Bug Report
- [CAM-1329] - Engine test suite fails when running profile 'cfghistoryactivity'
- [CAM-1451] - Bugs in JSF How-to
- [CAM-1583] - Unable to login to webapp when using Firefox-Passwordmanager
- [CAM-1753] - The compensation handler associated with the compensation boundary has no end time in history
- [CAM-1876] - Variable interpretation for script tasks
- [CAM-1971] - Process Engine Database Deadlock on conflicting flush ordering
- [CAM-2008] - ClassNotFoundException upon server shutdown when using and "end" ExecutionListener
- [CAM-2061] - Remove unused bootstrap slider dependency
- [CAM-2066] - camundaTaskForm bean in JSF event type 'preRenderView' could not resolve
- [CAM-2077] - Username and Password placeholder not shown at webapp login with IE9
- [CAM-2082] - ldap throws exception when starting process instance
- [CAM-2091] - WebApp (Admin) setup not working in IE 9
- [CAM-2092] - Wrong paths for better-dom & polyfill
- [CAM-2095] - placeholder not working in IE9
- [CAM-2096] - License validator handles umlauts incorrectly on windows platform
- [CAM-2107] - Cannot start BPM platform on Websphere 8.5.5 if runtime path has a space in it
- [CAM-2112] - Endtime in subprocess not set
- [CAM-2115] - Job suspension state "null" for migrated start timer event
- [CAM-2123] - variable filter not working for dates
- [CAM-2124] - DB Update error after incident is updated when non-term end event is reached
- [CAM-2126] - cockpit crashes before login if no default process engine is present
- [CAM-2128] - Concurrent Deployment causes Version Problems
- [CAM-2132] - Deployment Id of deployment resources is null
- [CAM-2155] - Task Executions in Event Subprocesses are added to the wrong parent execution
- [CAM-2164] - wrong maven dependency in cockpit plugin how to
- [CAM-2167] - Handle null values in add comment command
- [CAM-2169] - Stackoverflow when invoking GetActivityInstanceCmd
- [CAM-2201] - Camunda engine-rest throws NoClassDefFoundError: org.joda.time.DateTime when attempting to use DueAfter/DueBefore filter on TaskService-TaskRequest-getTasks()
- [CAM-2219] - Cannot change value of a Serializable Variable in cockpit
- [CAM-2220] - Can't scroll down the prozess list in Tasklist
- [CAM-2224] - Tasklist throws exception when submitting task form
- [CAM-2226] - Webapps collapsed-menu cannot be expanded
- [CAM-2235] - Search broken for long Process Defintion Keys in HistoricProcessInstance
- [CAM-2256] - Nullpointer if we want to split the value of a non existing attribute
- [CAM-2274] - camunda-bpm-model project uses namespaces for diagram element attributes
- [CAM-2275] - Support all EventDefinitions except Escalation in BPMN model API
- [CAM-2276] - When an outgoing SequenceFlow is removed from a FlowNode, the diagram element of SequenceFlow loses bpmnElement attribute
- [CAM-2277] - Cannot write BPMNDi element with bpmn model api
- [CAM-2281] - LdapIdentityProviderPlugin - Problem querying groupMemberAttribute if ldap uses Posix Groups
- [CAM-2286] - camunda BPMN model API does not support Inclusive, Event-Based and Complex Gateways
- [CAM-2293] - OutputSet returning Collection of DataInputs instead of DataOutputs
- [CAM-2298] - camunda BPMN model API does not support Intermediate ThrowEvents
- [CAM-2299] - I can not edit, delete or add users to groups with a slash in the group ID
- [CAM-2308] - Cockpit: typo in Variable Log
- [CAM-2309] - LDAP Plug-in for groups doesn't work when user DN's have special characters
- [CAM-2338] - camunda:inputOutput not working for multi instance
- [CAM-2340] - cam:outputParameter / script not working inside connector scope
- [CAM-2368] - New Password validation in Admin broken
- [CAM-2379] - Use UTF-8 encoding for license check
- [CAM-2380] - start-camunda.sh/bat not working if CATALINA_HOME is pre-set
- [CAM-2391] - I can not edit, delete or add users to groups with a backslash in the group ID
- [CAM-2395] - @Dependent CDI beans are not properly destroyed
- [CAM-2396] - NPE during Job Execution
- [CAM-2398] - Null pointer exception in cancel scope due error boundary event
- [CAM-2399] - camunda:inputOutput does not supported nested lists
- [CAM-2400] - camunda:inputOutput can not be used on events
- [CAM-2401] - Engine throws exception when <camunda:in> is used for variables with null values
- [CAM-2402] - REST: Create Task Comment should use JSON request body
- [CAM-2421] - License check broken if webapp is installed with context path /something-app
- [CAM-2443] - Producer Methods for ProcessInstance and Execution clash
- [CAM-2446] - I can not configure the job-executor in standalone.xml on JBOSS
- [CAM-2475] - Variables set on sub process start miss in history
- [CAM-2478] - Tasklist doesn't show group tasks or colleagues when using AD as an LDAP provider
- [CAM-2492] - Variables set on async process start miss in history
- [CAM-2513] - EL Spin support
- [CAM-2518] - asyncAfter with execution listeners creates infinite loop
- [CAM-2520] - Wrong start event will be executed on multiple async start events
- [CAM-2521] - No execution END event fired for compensation listeners
- [CAM-2523] - Newly added service task not executed after using SetProcessDefinitionVersionCmd
- [CAM-2536] - ActivityId and ActivityName not exposed in CaseExecution
- [CAM-2537] - Nested commands do not decrement job retries
- [CAM-2546] - Redirect after login is broken in cockpit and tasklist
- [CAM-2557] - Using PVM to start execution somewhere in a hierachy of subprocesses is broken
- [CAM-2566] - Async continuation on start event does not work if process is started by call activity
- [CAM-2567] - Deadlocks caused by missing index on foreign key in INCIDENT table
- [CAM-2577] - Change password form can be submitted with blank New Password fileds
- [CAM-2588] - When I unclaim a task, the task list is not refreshed
- [CAM-2589] - After claiming a task, the order of tasks inside the task list is different than before
- [CAM-2590] - Cannot start a process instance which does not contain any forms
- [CAM-2591] - To start a process instance without a form, the input variables should be optional
- [CAM-2595] - FavIcon broken in Tasklist
- [CAM-2603] - Exceptions during CommandContext flush do not decrement job retries
- [CAM-2608] - Hal REST API call to single task should have embedded process definition
- [CAM-2609] - BusinessKey is not set on historic process instance using the process task
- [CAM-2610] - Cannot switch Engine in webapps navigation bar
- [CAM-2615] - Job Definition Plugin is not availabe anymore in cockpit
- [CAM-2620] - ACT_HI_PROCINST.START_ACT_ID_ is not set for child process instances
- [CAM-2622] - LDAP provider does not test testFilterByGroupNameLike
- [CAM-2624] - start-camunda.bat not working with space in path
- [CAM-2636] - Variables set on async process start miss when starting a process instance via FormService#submitStartForm()
- [CAM-2638] - Different cockpit plugins with same Id
- [CAM-2640] - Concurrent completion of child executions does not lead to a completion of the parent case execution
- [CAM-2642] - User name not displayed in admin/cockpit webapp navbar
- [CAM-2682] - SQL scripts are concatenated in an incorrect order in Camunda BPM 7.2.0
- [CAM-2684] - I can not identify which version of a process definition to start in Camunda BPM 7.2.0
- [CAM-2698] - Fix typo in Tasklist
- [CAM-2699] - Variables not cleared when changing process definition to start
- [CAM-2700] - Page selection for variables in Cockpit broken
- [CAM-2709] - single page version of docs.camunda.org is broken
- [CAM-2710] - SetJobRetriesCmd should clear lockOwner and lockExpirationTime
- [CAM-2711] - engine is unable to resolve script resources while parsing process
- [CAM-2715] - slf4j-api is missing from WAS distribution
- [CAM-2718] - REST hal+json Content Negotiation not working on Wildfly
- [CAM-2725] - Unexpected performance hotspot in ExpressionFactory.newInstance
- [CAM-2726] - engine.test.api.task.TaskQueryTest may fails
- [CAM-2730] - LDAP Identity Provide should correctly handle empty string
- [CAM-2734] - forms of invoice demo app not working correctly
- [CAM-2752] - Authorization type not updated correctly
- [CAM-2753] - If I update a filter without color the color value is set to the default (red)
- [CAM-2758] - Search by process name does not work in tasklist
- [CAM-2764] - Delayed suspension of Process Definiton not working
- [CAM-2768] - REST API authorizations not saved correctly
- [CAM-2771] - Filtering not working for Process Definition "Name Like"
- [CAM-2772] - List of tasks not refreshed after modifying a filter
- [CAM-2773] - TaskAlreadyClaimedException after deleting current assignee
- [CAM-2774] - Exception when I enter filter values with invalid format
- [CAM-2783] - Tasklist tries to logout multiple times
- [CAM-2785] - Cannot change or remove permissions for authorization in tasklist
- [CAM-2791] - Priority of a filter will be updated when the priority is set to 0
- [CAM-2793] - full screen mode form does not contain values already entered in normal mode
- [CAM-2794] - Filter update/refresh not working after relogin
- [CAM-2796] - Serialized variables cannot handle "umlaute"
- [CAM-2805] - Job Acquisition rollback due to Optimistic Locking Exception
- [CAM-2806] - Filter colors not displayed in IE
- [CAM-2807] - Filter Description filed is mandatory filed in chrome and firefox
- [CAM-2808] - Cockpit and Admin not working on WAS with IE9
- [CAM-2810] - Endless loop in tasklist on IE11
- [CAM-2811] - After relogin with another user in tasklist the last selected task of the last user is visible
- [CAM-2813] - Notification does not appear when backend throws filter query exception
- [CAM-2814] - Filter loose focus after edit
- [CAM-2816] - Set query parameter "resourceType=Task" to get only defined TaskQuery Filter
- [CAM-2819] - Incident messages are being truncated to 255 characters
- [CAM-2822] - No Process-Application-Context Switch after cross-application EJB invocation
- [CAM-2825] - Tasklist does not allow to start new process instances (when deployed in root context)
- [CAM-2827] - tasklist sorting by name is case sensitive
- [CAM-2833] - timezone issues with the tasklist
- [CAM-2834] - Camunda-Spin: Variables cannot be removed or set to null
- [CAM-2835] - Filter focus is lost when a date is changed in the tasks list
- [CAM-2836] - Missing EnsureUtil causes NoClassDefFoundError in SpinFactoryImpl
- [CAM-2846] - Cannot submit complex Java Objects with formService.submitStartForm
- [CAM-2847] - It is possible to complete an invalid form in tasklist
- [CAM-2848] - Filter criterias "candidateGroups" and "activityInstanceIdIn" cannot be deserialized to an array out of a string
- [CAM-2849] - After closing model dialog with "ESC" there is no form visible
- [CAM-2850] - After relogin with the same user the selection of a task does not work proper
- [CAM-2856] - DeploymentId null on TimerEntity after Repeating timer start event fired for the first time
- [CAM-2861] - Error in asynchonous service call can not be handeled in signal()
- [CAM-2863] - Compile scripts during first execution instead of process parsing
- [CAM-2868] - No version upgrade for Jobs, Job Defintions and Incidents when using SetProcessDefinitionVersionCmd
- [CAM-2872] - Unable to remove filter due to missing authorization.identity
- [CAM-2873] - request on filter without authorization
- [CAM-2881] - NoSuchElementException when app is started without process application
- [CAM-2884] - Job retries should never be negative
- [CAM-2912] - Unnecessary LOCK on ByteArray-Table during DELETE VariableUpdate
- [CAM-2913] - I can save a filter with invalid priority values (IE only)
- [CAM-2918] - WildFly distro contains not needed file
- [CAM-2921] - Assignee set in CREATE listener missing in History
- [CAM-2935] - Wrong entry in history when I reset due date or follow-up date
- [CAM-2941] - Buttons of inline form field are only paritally visible
- [CAM-2942] - Async Inclusive GW does not join executions
- [CAM-2945] - Different format for times (12h/24 notation) and dates in tasklist history
- [CAM-2947] - Using candidateGroup criterion in filter creates additional candidateGroups criterion
- [CAM-2955] - "Infinite loop" on tasklist login if process engine "default" is missing
- [CAM-2957] - specify the columns to select for queries with joins
- [CAM-2958] - Process Instance Migration migrating only children of a Process Instance
- [CAM-2969] - Cannot submit task form with variables of type "Object"
- [CAM-2974] - FormService#submitTaskForm() does not work for a HumanTask which is part of a case instance
- [CAM-2983] - Dirty Checking in Task Forms with default value
- [CAM-2985] - Login problem when using deeplink
- [CAM-2987] - horizontal alignment broken
- [CAM-2988] - form hides datepicker
- [CAM-2990] - Submitting an untyped object value via task forms should not end up in form field history
- [CAM-3002] - Variable Types and validation in tasklist forms
- [CAM-3006] - task-list keeps on loading when no filter exists
- [CAM-3011] - Cannot submit generated task form which contains a readonly form field
- [CAM-3019] - Wrong help text for filter criteria Dates
- [CAM-3026] - like search for variables only works if % is entered
- [CAM-3036] - Filter cannot retrieve tasks
- [CAM-3048] - Input filed is ng-invalid-required after save
- [CAM-3052] - Inclusive Gateway default flow makes execution state inconsistent
- [CAM-3053] - Inline Field Buttons do not scroll
- [CAM-3055] - Inclusive Gateway that merges and splits advances wrong execution on default flow
- [CAM-3056] - responsive layout broken in certain size
- [CAM-3057] - If a HumanTask is not blocking a NullPointerException is thrown by the HistoryTransformListener
- [CAM-3065] - Unwanted switch from History-Tab to Runtime-Tab in case of version change
- [CAM-3070] - adjust alignments of task dates and actors
- [CAM-3071] - tasks of group management shown in accounting filter
- [CAM-3074] - When another task will be selected some requests will be executed twice
- [CAM-3075] - Name of task assignee not/ only partially visible
- [CAM-3076] - Cannot save a filter after a criteria like "candidateGroups" has been changed to "candidateGroup"
- [CAM-3078] - No automatic history update on groups change
- [CAM-3079] - Tasklist history in wrong order after date update
- [CAM-3080] - Filter criteria 'Follow Up Before or Not Existent *' not set
- [CAM-3082] - Layout toggle buttons are hidden in IE9
- [CAM-3083] - filter criteria 'like' broken
- [CAM-3091] - REST filter task query returns %2F instead of / on resteasy-3.0.8.Final
- [CAM-3115] - Identity links for assignee and owner do not contain task id
- [CAM-3118] - Typo in Expression Help Text - Tasklist Filter Criteria Dates
- [CAM-3125] - Page focus is lost after closing filter dialog
- [CAM-3127] - Tasklist tries to load serializable variables in its serialized format
- [CAM-3128] - Empty area is clickable so that on click the manage groups dialog gets opened
- [CAM-3129] - NullPointerException is thrown when loading a task form for a standalone task
- [CAM-3131] - Cannot get form variables for a standalone task
- [CAM-3136] - "like" Operator is not available
- [CAM-3138] - Standalone task without a assignee or candidate group cannot be displayed in tasklist
- [CAM-3141] - Submitted variables are not persisted in case of a standalone task
- [CAM-3143] - Date expressions cannot be resolved in standalone webapps
- [CAM-3608] - Userguide references non-existant method
- [CAM-3667] - Examples for rest api variable manipulation broken
- [CAM-3682] - Unsupported Value Type "Float" mentioned in embedded forms reference
- [CAM-3699] - Dead Links to database configuration in installation guide
- [CAM-4089] - Fix download links to previous versions
- [CAM-6521] - dead link in documentation
- [CAM-6806] - Documentation of Get Historic Variable Instances mentioned wrong parameter
- [CAM-7526] - Documentation for JavaDelegate instantiation is wrong
Feature Request
- [CAM-721] - As DEV, I can define Async Continuations AFTER Activities
- [CAM-857] - Support for Java Serializable Variable Type in REST-API
- [CAM-924] - As tasklist user, I get an error message, if task does not exists anymore
- [CAM-945] - Using the tasklist, I only see active tasks
- [CAM-1065] - I can read documentation on expression language
- [CAM-1267] - Add ER/UML diagrams for key entities
- [CAM-1317] - I can see business key on process instance level
- [CAM-1375] - Using the REST API I can create a process engine deployment
- [CAM-1450] - I can read a getting started tutorial for Java EE 6
- [CAM-1453] - Making "messageName" in correlateMessage methods optional
- [CAM-1530] - As Cockpit User I can select and cancel multiple process instances
- [CAM-1581] - I can read documentation on how to use the formkey attribute for a user task
- [CAM-1728] - As Dev, I can query operations (suspend, activate, cancel) on process instances in the history
- [CAM-2006] - Add "correlateAll" to Correlation Builder to allow for multiple messages to be sent in one go
- [CAM-2084] - Using the REST Api I can query for Deployments
- [CAM-2085] - Using the REST API I can get a single deployment
- [CAM-2086] - Using the REST API I can list the resources in an deployment
- [CAM-2087] - Using the REST API I can get a single deployment respource
- [CAM-2088] - Using the REST API I can get the data of a resource
- [CAM-2098] - Enable caching for script tasks
- [CAM-2134] - Using the Rest API I can get all comments of a task
- [CAM-2135] - Using the Rest API I can add a comment to a task
- [CAM-2136] - Using the Rest API I can get all attachments for a task
- [CAM-2137] - Using the Rest API I can create an attachment for a task
- [CAM-2138] - Using the Rest API I can delete an attachment for a task
- [CAM-2139] - Using the Rest API I can get the binary content for a single attachment
- [CAM-2140] - Using the Rest API I can get a single attachment for a task
- [CAM-2141] - Using the Rest API I can access the local variables of a task
- [CAM-2148] - Using the REST API I can get a single comment for a task
- [CAM-2153] - I can start process instances using the tasklist
- [CAM-2172] - Using spin, I can wrap a String or Input Stream as Dom Element
- [CAM-2173] - Using spin, I can read the attributes and child elements of an XML element
- [CAM-2174] - Using spin I can modify an attribute
- [CAM-2175] - Using spin I can modify an element's child elements
- [CAM-2176] - Using spin, I can query Xml data with XPath
- [CAM-2180] - I can directly use S(...) from script / expression language
- [CAM-2183] - I can access Process Variables from a Template
- [CAM-2185] - I can use a built-in SOAP-Connector
- [CAM-2188] - As CaseWorker I can start a new Case Instance
- [CAM-2189] - As CaseWorker I can activate an enabled Stage or HumanTask
- [CAM-2190] - As CaseWorker I can complete an active HumanTask
- [CAM-2191] - As CaseWorker I can complete an active Stage
- [CAM-2192] - As CaseWorker I can disable an enabled Stage or HumanTask
- [CAM-2194] - As CaseWorker I can re-enable a disabled Stage or HumanTask
- [CAM-2195] - As CaseWorker I can complete a Case Instance
- [CAM-2197] - As CaseWorker I can close a completed Case Instance
- [CAM-2199] - As CaseWorker I can deploy a Case Definition
- [CAM-2200] - I can read documentation on all cockpit features
- [CAM-2213] - User can enable that during deployment only changed processes will get a new version
- [CAM-2215] - I can delete a property using the Management Service
- [CAM-2223] - I can import and export an existing CMMN model from XML
- [CAM-2238] - Provide variable listener (low level)
- [CAM-2239] - Provide Plan Item State Transition Listener
- [CAM-2244] - As Tasklist User, I can start processes
- [CAM-2245] - As Tasklist User, I can complete a task
- [CAM-2247] - As Tasklist User, I can claim and unclaim a task
- [CAM-2248] - As Tasklist User, I can see the tasks which are relevant to me
- [CAM-2271] - As Tasklist User, I can log in
- [CAM-2287] - A simple connector API for implementing connectors
- [CAM-2288] - I can use Input/Output Mapping for activities & connectors
- [CAM-2289] - Using Spin, I can write the wrapped XML objects to OutputStream / String
- [CAM-2324] - I can read documentation on Script Usage
- [CAM-2326] - I can read documentation on camunda input/ouput mappings
- [CAM-2329] - I can read documentation about camunda connectors
- [CAM-2330] - I can read/write camunda connectors with BPMN model API
- [CAM-2331] - I can read/write camunda input/output mapping with BPMN model API
- [CAM-2337] - Using Spin, I can get the text content of an XML element
- [CAM-2339] - I can read/write a EscalationEventDefinition with the BPMN model API
- [CAM-2348] - Using sdk-js, I can query list of Process Definitions
- [CAM-2355] - I can use camunda:asyncAfter and camunda:exclusive in model api
- [CAM-2357] - I can use external scripts in BPMN xml
- [CAM-2359] - I can use scripts as sequence flow conditions
- [CAM-2360] - I can implement a execution listener using a script
- [CAM-2361] - I can use scripts as task listener
- [CAM-2365] - Using history service, I can distinguish between event definitions
- [CAM-2370] - I can start a Process Instance and connect it to a case instance
- [CAM-2371] - As CaseWorker I can start a process task
- [CAM-2373] - As CaseWorker I can use sentries
- [CAM-2374] - As CaseWorker I can create a new user task, which is connected to the case
- [CAM-2383] - I can deploy additional resources by configuration
- [CAM-2384] - I can set camunda:resource on script task, camunda:script and conditionExpression in BPMN model API
- [CAM-2385] - As Case worker I can use Milestones
- [CAM-2392] - create an ArtifactFactory SPI
- [CAM-2426] - Using Spin I can map XML to Java Object
- [CAM-2427] - Using Spin I can map Java Object to XML
- [CAM-2428] - Using Spin I can read Json
- [CAM-2429] - Using Spin I can write Json
- [CAM-2430] - Using Spin I can map Json to Java Object
- [CAM-2431] - Using Spin I can map Java Object to Json
- [CAM-2432] - I can extend Spin
- [CAM-2433] - I can configure the process engine's java object serialization data format
- [CAM-2435] - When I use the REST variable instance query, Java Objects are always fetched in their serialized representation
- [CAM-2436] - Using the Form Service I can get the variables for a form
- [CAM-2437] - Using the REST api I can get the variables for a form
- [CAM-2444] - As CaseWorker I can start a case task
- [CAM-2451] - I can read documentation about templating
- [CAM-2453] - I can use XSLT as template engine
- [CAM-2456] - I can use a REST Http Connector
- [CAM-2457] - Using camunda SPIN I can use JSON Path
- [CAM-2458] - Using Spin, I can read the property of a Json Object
- [CAM-2459] - Using Spin, I can set and delete the property of a Json Object
- [CAM-2460] - Using Spin I can manipulate a JSON / List object
- [CAM-2484] - I can edit Serialized Java Objects in embedded Forms
- [CAM-2489] - Document all available script usage possibilites
- [CAM-2494] - I can add a camunda:script to execution and task listener in the BPMN model API
- [CAM-2497] - I can use all compatible variable types with text input fields in embedded forms
- [CAM-2498] - I can use Single valued Select Controls in embedded forms
- [CAM-2499] - I can use boolean valued checkbox in embedded forms
- [CAM-2500] - I can use a date picker in embedded forms
- [CAM-2502] - I can use a hidden input field in embedded forms
- [CAM-2503] - I can define callbacks to participate in the task form lifecycle
- [CAM-2505] - I can use angular support in embedded forms
- [CAM-2508] - I can use external forms with the tasklist
- [CAM-2510] - Case instance Id is propagated in BPMN and supported in Queries and History
- [CAM-2519] - workaround for WebSphere-8.5 bug which hits ServletProcessApplicationDeployer
- [CAM-2522] - Make "Job Executor Hint" configurable
- [CAM-2532] - Support Ant-style variable substitution in bpm-platform.xml
- [CAM-2538] - I can set a variable to value "null" for any variable type
- [CAM-2539] - I can specify the default number of retries for a job in the process engine configuration
- [CAM-2544] - I can submit and retrieve serialized object representations for variables using the public API
- [CAM-2550] - Using the REST Api I can fetch a HAL representation for a list of tasks
- [CAM-2555] - Provide Task Listener on HumanTask
- [CAM-2561] - Support for MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics in BPMN model API
- [CAM-2565] - I can use camunda HTTP rest connector in process engine
- [CAM-2568] - I can easily access the form key for a task
- [CAM-2576] - Using Spin I can set a value of an element
- [CAM-2585] - When I complete a task, the task list is refreshed
- [CAM-2597] - I can maximize forms in the tasklist
- [CAM-2607] - As Tasklist User, I can see process variable values
- [CAM-2611] - I can filter for case management related tasks in the tasklist
- [CAM-2619] - Using the REST Api, I can create and update a task
- [CAM-2623] - As Tasklist User, I can set and edit the due date and follow up date of a task
- [CAM-2628] - Using the Java Api I can manage Task Filters
- [CAM-2629] - I can use Expression language in TaskQueries
- [CAM-2630] - Using the Java API I can execute a Task Filter by Id
- [CAM-2631] - I can read documentation on variables and variable types
- [CAM-2632] - Using the REST Api I can manage Task Filters
- [CAM-2633] - Using the REST API I can query for Task by Filter
- [CAM-2634] - Using the REST API I can set the serialized representation of a single variable
- [CAM-2637] - Provide a generic form whenever a task has not a dedicated form
- [CAM-2645] - Refresh list of filtered tasks after starting a new instance
- [CAM-2648] - As Tasklist User, I can create a new filter
- [CAM-2649] - As Tasklist User, I can define the variables which are displayed in a filter
- [CAM-2650] - As Tasklist User, I can manage filter authorizations
- [CAM-2651] - As Tasklist User, I can edit and delete existing filters
- [CAM-2652] - As Tasklist User, I can see the BPMN diagram of a task
- [CAM-2660] - Using the REST API I can execute task filter by ID
- [CAM-2678] - I can submit and retrieve serialized object representations for variables using the Case Service
- [CAM-2686] - I can download XSLT as enterprise extension from docs.camunda.org
- [CAM-2689] - I can use an example of the XSLT support
- [CAM-2690] - I can read documentation about Enterprise Extensions
- [CAM-2701] - I can use generated task forms with tasklist
- [CAM-2704] - Support authorizations for filters
- [CAM-2705] - Do not decrement Job Retries on OptimisticLockingException
- [CAM-2712] - Support for DataObject and DataObjectReference in BPMN model API
- [CAM-2723] - As Dev, I can use async for end events and OR-gateways
- [CAM-2724] - I can implement a custom history level
- [CAM-2735] - camunda-engine-unittest uses camunda-bpm-assert
- [CAM-2736] - As Tasklist User, I cannot complete a task when I am not the assigne
- [CAM-2737] - As Tasklist User, I can save my work while I am working on a form
- [CAM-2738] - As Tasklist User, I do not see tasks in my filter which have already been claimed
- [CAM-2739] - As Tasklist User, I get notified if a new task is created for me in the same instance
- [CAM-2740] - As Tasklist User, I can edit the groups of a single task
- [CAM-2742] - As a user, I don't want to see suspendend processes in "start a process" menu (tasklist)
- [CAM-2750] - I can read documentation on XSLT support
- [CAM-2751] - I can read documentation about the new tasklist
- [CAM-2756] - I can search by process variable in a given filter
- [CAM-2759] - I can see and edit spin-serialized variables in cockpit
- [CAM-2766] - Using the REST Api I can retrieve the OPTIONS for the filter resource
- [CAM-2767] - As Tasklist user I cannot perform unauthorized filter modifications
- [CAM-2769] - As Tasklist User, I can see the history of a task
- [CAM-2770] - As Tasklist User, I can add a comment to a Task
- [CAM-2788] - Using the REST API, I can delete a deployment
- [CAM-2795] - Add HistoricProcessInstanceQuery.subProcessInstanceId
- [CAM-2798] - Using the REST API I can query for variables during HAL filter execution
- [CAM-2801] - I can get the number of items of a filter resource
- [CAM-2803] - I can use the case API in a similar way as the process/task instance
- [CAM-2809] - Improve TaskQuery to better support followUpDate
- [CAM-2824] - Show more task information in the list of tasks
- [CAM-2837] - I can use multi language support also for dates
- [CAM-2838] - I can implement TransformListener for CMMN
- [CAM-2839] - I can query for Historic Case Instance using the Java API
- [CAM-2840] - I can query for Historic Case Instances using the REST API
- [CAM-2841] - I can query History Case Activity Instances by the Java API
- [CAM-2842] - I can query History Case Activity Instances by the REST API
- [CAM-2843] - I can query for Historic Variables by Case Instance and Execution Ids using the Java API
- [CAM-2844] - I can query for Historic Variables by Case Instance/Execution Ids using the REST API
- [CAM-2862] - Using the CMMN model API, I can create and read variable listeners
- [CAM-2866] - Support for TextAnnotation in BPMN model API
- [CAM-2871] - Provide Type and Description of Case Execution via API (REST and Java)
- [CAM-2885] - In engine I can use JAX-B for variable serialization
- [CAM-2886] - I can configure the jackson object mapper used for variable serialization
- [CAM-2895] - I can see byte array variables in tasklist
- [CAM-2903] - I can work with typed variables in Java API
- [CAM-2916] - As Tasklist User, I can navigate through the list of tasks using the keyboard
- [CAM-2939] - I can query for variables by numeric value
- [CAM-2944] - As a user I can choose a layout focused on the tasks list
- [CAM-2953] - I can filter for unassigned tasks which belong to a certain group
- [CAM-2964] - A default value exists for the queue size on WebLogic
- [CAM-2967] - User messaging on TaskList task form validation
- [CAM-2968] - I can query deployments by deployment time
- [CAM-2975] - I can select a task by clicking on the whole header area (not just the name)
- [CAM-2984] - Dirty checking for json objects in forms
- [CAM-2991] - I can read docs about multi tenancy
- [CAM-2992] - I can read documentation on JTA
- [CAM-3004] - I can deploy and retreive a diagram resource for CMMN case files
- [CAM-3038] - I can upgrade from camunda BPM 7.1 to 7.2 (migration guide)
- [CAM-3046] - I can provide multiple locale files to the Tasklist
- [CAM-3062] - As Tasklist User, I am able to retrieve and change existing variables for the generic form
- [CAM-3085] - Query for jobs by activity id
- [CAM-3092] - Tasklist displays names of users and groups
- [CAM-3093] - Identity links are embedded into Hal Task in REST api
- [CAM-3154] - I can read a getting started Guide for CMMN
- [CAM-3169] - As dev, I can use manualActivationRule for CMMN tasks
- [CAM-3366] - I can read more details about the camunda BPM database structure
- [CAM-4208] - Document the limitations of accessing process application resources
- [CAM-1106] - add hint to docs about how to use custom EjbProcessApplication with external forms
- [CAM-1226] - improve useability with deeplinks and login
- [CAM-1481] - Bump Mybatis version to 3.2.3
- [CAM-1534] - Allow switching off authorization in camunda webapp
- [CAM-1544] - Spike: Support for Wildfly Application Server
- [CAM-2044] - Create CI jobs for 7.2
- [CAM-2093] - Add "Implementation-Version" in all MANFEST.MF files
- [CAM-2094] - Change REV_ value for insert statements to avoid problems on DB2 for zOS
- [CAM-2102] - I can get the source code for the main getting started at camunda.org
- [CAM-2103] - I can get the source code for the spring getting started at camunda.org
- [CAM-2109] - I can get the camunda property name attribute by the BPMN model api
- [CAM-2110] - Document camunda:properties and camunda:property elements from the modeler
- [CAM-2113] - Discussion needed: REST API for Task Service
- [CAM-2114] - Spike: Tasklist UI and features
- [CAM-2120] - Look into MSSQL & DB2 deadlocks
- [CAM-2121] - provide cockpit filter examples in user guide
- [CAM-2125] - Improve docs on Spring + shared engine integration
- [CAM-2130] - Add Index on ACT_RU_TASK_ column ASSIGNEE_
- [CAM-2133] - Provide initial CMMN example
- [CAM-2145] - Add hint for tomcat use in Cockpit-Plugin Tutorial
- [CAM-2147] - Spike library upgrde
- [CAM-2154] - Provide initial classless example
- [CAM-2157] - Tooltips upgrade
- [CAM-2158] - Process state
- [CAM-2159] - Pagers
- [CAM-2160] - Promises API changes
- [CAM-2161] - Modal dialogs upgrade
- [CAM-2163] - Bulk job retry dialog selection
- [CAM-2168] - Get configured history level through public API
- [CAM-2170] - Init project infrastructure for Spin
- [CAM-2171] - Decide on logging and exception handling in camunda Spin
- [CAM-2177] - Decide on Spin base architecture
- [CAM-2178] - Provide Test infrastructure for Spin
- [CAM-2179] - Add Groovy scripting engine to camunda distributions
- [CAM-2181] - Decide on Template engine support
- [CAM-2182] - Decide on SOAP Webservice library
- [CAM-2187] - Decide on how data i/o mappings & transformations can be used
- [CAM-2204] - Create infrastructure to reliably build JavaScript components
- [CAM-2206] - Externalize grunt task definitions and custom tasks
- [CAM-2216] - Provide minmal engine core for BPMN and CMMN
- [CAM-2217] - I can use an Async Continuation on a Parallel Gateway
- [CAM-2227] - Use old url to string method with manual umlaut escaping
- [CAM-2240] - As developer, I want to read docs about the tasklist project
- [CAM-2252] - Spike: how to handle embedded forms in the new tasklist?
- [CAM-2255] - Extract model api repositories
- [CAM-2270] - Provide camunda commons logging
- [CAM-2272] - fully integrate new tasklist into camunda BPM
- [CAM-2273] - Provide Release builds for camunda commons & spin
- [CAM-2283] - Disable javascript tests for java version < 8
- [CAM-2290] - Provide CI & Release build for camunda connect
- [CAM-2292] - Improve logging and exception handling in JobExecutor
- [CAM-2294] - Provide camunda BPM project parent (maven)
- [CAM-2295] - Integrate camunda Tasklist in release build
- [CAM-2297] - Review & merge Docs pull request on Tomcat Job Executor
- [CAM-2300] - Modify the tutorial for Custom Queries
- [CAM-2303] - Add SPIN, commons and SOAPConnector to distro builds
- [CAM-2305] - Use commons-utils in SPIN
- [CAM-2306] - Use camunda BPM project parent in SPIN
- [CAM-2307] - Use camunda BPM parent pom in camunda-connect
- [CAM-2318] - Create an example test case for Cmmn
- [CAM-2333] - change link to camunda.com enterprise site in docs
- [CAM-2334] - Add Plugin Points to cockpit docs
- [CAM-2336] - Provide SOAP connector example
- [CAM-2347] - Setup camunda-sdk-js
- [CAM-2350] - Add sdk-js to tasklist
- [CAM-2358] - Determine how to use external library inside a script task
- [CAM-2376] - Spike: multi language possible in tasklist
- [CAM-2386] - migrate "start a process"-feature to new sdk-js infrastructure
- [CAM-2388] - Extract camunda-cockpit-ui
- [CAM-2389] - Extract camunda-commons-ui
- [CAM-2390] - Extract camunda admin-ui
- [CAM-2403] - Write blogpost about sdk-js
- [CAM-2404] - Refactor thrown exceptions in the part of CaseManagement
- [CAM-2420] - Spike: Variable Data Formats
- [CAM-2422] - Add explanation why we do not recommend to use cycle on the runtime server
- [CAM-2424] - Write documentation for job executor tag in the deployment descriptor references
- [CAM-2438] - Align UIs project build
- [CAM-2447] - Implement FreeMarker and Velocity Template Engine as external module
- [CAM-2448] - Create CI and release build for template engines
- [CAM-2449] - Package FreeMarker template engine module with distributions
- [CAM-2452] - Create integration tests for freemarker
- [CAM-2455] - Break down: Json Support for Classless (Spin)
- [CAM-2466] - I can read docs about the implemented elements
- [CAM-2467] - I can read docs about the CMMN plan item lifecycles
- [CAM-2468] - I can read docs about a "walkthrough" example of CMMN
- [CAM-2471] - Provide CI for new UI modules
- [CAM-2472] - Adjust release build to new UI repository structure
- [CAM-2473] - Use base infrastructure from camunda commons in tasklist
- [CAM-2481] - migrate e2e tests from platform to webapp
- [CAM-2483] - Port invoice example start form to new form syntax
- [CAM-2486] - convert getting-started guides into markdown
- [CAM-2490] - Amend link to getting started guides on welcome page
- [CAM-2493] - Update SOAP connector example after alpha3 relase
- [CAM-2507] - Spike: I can login to the new tasklist
- [CAM-2512] - Remove ngDefine from commons-ui (auth & util)
- [CAM-2542] - grunt task for locales compilation
- [CAM-2545] - Write tests/docs about JSON() mappers
- [CAM-2553] - Rename "pile" into "filter"
- [CAM-2558] - As a user, I should be notified when my session has expired
- [CAM-2564] - Provide example for REST connector
- [CAM-2569] - Adjust Invoice demo to new embedded forms syntax
- [CAM-2570] - Document HAL Requests in REST Api
- [CAM-2582] - In the user guide, there is documentation on the integration Spin <-> Engine
- [CAM-2602] - Extract SPI for Persistence Providers in Process Engine
- [CAM-2605] - Specify filtering in the tasklist
- [CAM-2606] - I can use a deeplink to a single task
- [CAM-2612] - Review & Finalize Spin for Camunda 7.2
- [CAM-2614] - Webapp login page: set focus on user name input field
- [CAM-2621] - Extract JMX core
- [CAM-2646] - Extend Spring test case for Java context configuration
- [CAM-2656] - improve tasklist login screen
- [CAM-2658] - harmonize tasklist dialogs with other webapps
- [CAM-2666] - I can read documentation how to install Wildfly
- [CAM-2667] - Include Wildfly in release
- [CAM-2677] - Add maven bundle plugin to Spin and Connect
- [CAM-2679] - Add wildfly to download section
- [CAM-2680] - Update OSGi im/exports for engine
- [CAM-2681] - release tasklist without translations
- [CAM-2687] - Provide distributions for XSLT extension
- [CAM-2688] - Provide CI & Release Build for XSLT Extension
- [CAM-2691] - logo and header color can be changed in new tasklist
- [CAM-2692] - rename filter "Mines" to "My Tasks"
- [CAM-2706] - Make camunda-connect dependency optional
- [CAM-2714] - separate cycle from the rest of camunda BPM
- [CAM-2727] - prepare 7.2 minor release build
- [CAM-2728] - Change $CATALINA_HOME to $TOMCAT_HOME
- [CAM-2741] - Refactor camunda connect
- [CAM-2748] - Create Webapps Integration Test for HAL content-type
- [CAM-2749] - Create maven test profile for resteasy 3.0.8
- [CAM-2755] - Show number of tasks which are in a filter
- [CAM-2763] - merge cache optimization on job executor
- [CAM-2775] - Adjust Tasklist Screenshot on welcome page
- [CAM-2777] - remove checkboxes from tasks in the listview
- [CAM-2778] - improve delete filter dialog
- [CAM-2779] - Improve Layout of filter details
- [CAM-2780] - Improve CMMN 1.0 Reference
- [CAM-2790] - Improve buttons and dialog to edit and/or delete a selected filter
- [CAM-2800] - Improve Invoice Example demo setup
- [CAM-2802] - Add index to column ACT_RU_JOB.PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID_
- [CAM-2812] - Provide proper error message in create/edit filter dialog in tasklist
- [CAM-2815] - Improve visual feedback on filter and task selection
- [CAM-2820] - Replace deprecated TestWatchman super class
- [CAM-2826] - I can read documentation on how to implement a custom history level
- [CAM-2845] - I can read documentation about all features in Admin
- [CAM-2852] - Align Cycle Getting Started Guide to Camunda BPM 7.2.0
- [CAM-2858] - Adjust Cycle notes in Docs
- [CAM-2860] - Adjust camunda BOM to include
- [CAM-2865] - Add link to version migration in PA migration guide
- [CAM-2874] - I can read documentation about sentries
- [CAM-2875] - Rename Cockpit Start Page to Dashboard
- [CAM-2876] - extract jbossas7, gf31 and tomcat into it's own profiles
- [CAM-2877] - Upgrade mybatis from 3.2.3 to current 3.2.8
- [CAM-2883] - Align notifications display between cockpit and tasklist
- [CAM-2887] - Migrate Cockpit to typed variable API
- [CAM-2888] - Migrate Tasklist to typed Variable API
- [CAM-2889] - Migrate REST Api to typed variable API
- [CAM-2890] - Migrate variable documentation in user-guide
- [CAM-2896] - Refactor filter handling in tasklist
- [CAM-2900] - Use ${trueConstant} instead of 1 in mybatis mappings
- [CAM-2901] - Clean up redundant properties in Maven Build
- [CAM-2914] - Add plugin points in tasklist
- [CAM-2915] - additional improvements to tasklist layout
- [CAM-2917] - Properly document registration of process application for previous deployments
- [CAM-2931] - Document Variable scope propagation for "resultVariable" in combination with Multi Instance
- [CAM-2933] - Hal Relations can be cached
- [CAM-2940] - HAL representation of a list of task contains also the caseDefinition relation
- [CAM-2966] - Integrate Spin into the engine as a process engine plugin
- [CAM-2970] - Update ProcessApplication.xsd on camunda.org
- [CAM-2971] - Use nexus as npm proxy for npm-based projects
- [CAM-2978] - Improve WAS installation procedure
- [CAM-2979] - Ensure binary backwards compatibility of Java API with 7.1
- [CAM-2982] - refactor filter dialog
- [CAM-2989] - Make camunda-engine-unittest 7.2-ready
- [CAM-2996] - Look into rest API log warning messages
- [CAM-2997] - Unified column layout in Tasklist
- [CAM-2998] - Check all BOMs and versions
- [CAM-2999] - Remove "Success" Notifications, Add "Failure" Notifications
- [CAM-3000] - Task name in List should be an actual "Link"
- [CAM-3001] - Integrate bpmn-js viewer bug fix release and report on results
- [CAM-3003] - think about configurable date format
- [CAM-3005] - Make incident available to sub-classes
- [CAM-3013] - Add input placeholder polyfill for IE
- [CAM-3014] - improve layout of manage groups dialog
- [CAM-3015] - improve layout of start process dialog
- [CAM-3016] - I can only provide value if type is selected
- [CAM-3017] - improve highlighting in the BPMN diagram
- [CAM-3021] - Review Spin API
- [CAM-3023] - Improve Validation of Inputs
- [CAM-3025] - improve on layout for searching long variables
- [CAM-3027] - Cleanup tasklist distribution
- [CAM-3029] - Move the Spin and Connect github documentation to docs.camunda.org API references
- [CAM-3034] - Change ACT_RU_FILTER CLOB fields to NCLOB on oracle
- [CAM-3037] - add animation for layout change
- [CAM-3042] - Improve display of Filter Name
- [CAM-3043] - improve responsiveness of actions in the task view
- [CAM-3044] - add minimize option to get back to standard layout, if task is maximized
- [CAM-3045] - add mouseover for long dates in variables
- [CAM-3050] - Migrate Spin and Connect examples
- [CAM-3054] - Reorganize the less files
- [CAM-3058] - Improve variables display in tasks list
- [CAM-3059] - Tasks are sorted on "created" by default
- [CAM-3060] - add delay for all mouse over pop-ups
- [CAM-3061] - Fix Spin & connect circular dependencies
- [CAM-3063] - Improve layout of "Permissions"-Accordion inside the filter dialog
- [CAM-3064] - improve layout of external form
- [CAM-3066] - all error messages should not go away automatically
- [CAM-3067] - Remove script bindings for JSON() and XML()
- [CAM-3072] - I can read documentation on taskforms
- [CAM-3073] - test & migrate examples to 7.2.0
- [CAM-3088] - I can read documentation about advanced tasklist styles customization
- [CAM-3090] - Set the generic form invalid when an added variable with the same name already exists
- [CAM-3094] - Tasklist uses embedded Identity links
- [CAM-3100] - review tasklist project setup
- [CAM-3106] - Set filter invalid if criterion is added more than once
- [CAM-3108] - Migrate embedded forms example application
- [CAM-3109] - Migrate Embedded Forms in Getting started guides
- [CAM-3112] - Tasks are sorted in descending order by default
- [CAM-3114] - Example for standalone embedded forms usage
- [CAM-3119] - test & migrate getting started to 7.2.0
- [CAM-3120] - test bpmn model api examples
- [CAM-3121] - test cockpit plugin examples
- [CAM-3122] - test script task examples
- [CAM-3123] - test service task examples
- [CAM-3124] - test cmmn example
- [CAM-3130] - Move cockpit plugins back into camunda-bpm-webapp
- [CAM-3133] - Provide an exception that will be thrown when a standalone task could not be created because the parent task does not exist
- [CAM-3137] - Example of SDK JS usage with node.js
- [CAM-3142] - add tasklist translations as community extension
- [CAM-3150] - release docs of 7.2 version
- [CAM-3155] - write release blogpost
- [CAM-3165] - Example for working with Object Variables in Embedded Forms
- [CAM-3210] - upgrade tasklist screenshots in user guide
- [CAM-3211] - document different views of tasklist
- [CAM-3212] - I can read documentation on common filters for the tasklist (examples)
- [CAM-3470] - Rename WAS and WLS in docs
- [CAM-3673] - Fix response example of form variables REST docs
- [CAM-3704] - Document Variable handling in Rest Api
- [CAM-3835] - Fix typos in REST API documentation
- [CAM-4061] - Add connectors reference to service task docs
- [CAM-4111] - Add Admin to components view
- [CAM-4206] - Add disclaimer to real life tutorials
- [CAM-4327] - Remove 'Version Migration' chapter in user guide
- [CAM-4521] - I can read documentation about deployment lock
- [CAM-5173] - Replace screenshot in WebSphere installation guide
- [CAM-5567] - Document how to add GitHub connector in Cycle
- [CAM-5628] - Align Cycle screenshots with 3.1.0
- [CAM-5967] - Remove hint "works with Spring" in CDI and Java EE Integration section
- [CAM-3101] - Review tasklist package.json
- [CAM-3102] - Remove unused tests in tasklist
- [CAM-3103] - Review tasklist bower.json
- [CAM-3104] - Review requirejs build
- [CAM-3105] - Remove mocks in SDK JS
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