Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version 7.10.0-alpha3 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-9131] - User has access to Admin app without authorization
  • [CAM-9184] - In Cockpit, I cannot use search for historic tasks in case of large datasets
  • [CAM-9229] - External Task Client doesn't pass on error message
  • [CAM-9241] - I can see the date value in the generic tasklist form
  • [CAM-9251] - Use context class loader for loading JSON mapping target classes
  • [CAM-9253] - Engine tests fail if executed with JDK 9/10 with a SQLException
  • [CAM-9256] - Deletion of file variable breaks history detail/optimize rest endpoint
  • [CAM-9262] - OgnlException when query task
  • [CAM-9274] - Multiple submits with incorrect data for Embedded form prevent submitting correct data

Feature Request

  • [CAM-9148] - When submitting a BPMN Error, I can provide process variables additionally
  • [CAM-9149] - When submitting a BPMN Error, I can provide an error message
  • [CAM-9230] - I can see which user created a batch operation
  • [CAM-9237] - In Java Client, when submitting a BPMN Error, I can provide process variables additionally
  • [CAM-9238] - In JS Client, when submitting a BPMN Error, I can provide process variables additionally
  • [CAM-9239] - In Java Client, when submitting a BPMN Error, I can provide an error message
  • [CAM-9240] - In JS Client, when submitting a BPMN Error, I can provide an error message
  • [CAM-9270] - Hierarchical History Cleanup includes DMN
  • [CAM-9272] - Rest API provides new Hierarchical History Cleanup parameters
  • [CAM-9275] - When requesting a taskform, the tasklist passes the engine name as query parameter to the form
  • [CAM-9280] - I can disable the backoff strategy
  • [CAM-9282] - I get a hint that cascade deletion of process instance must be treated carefully
  • [CAM-9283] - I can query for historic process instances without tenant


  • [CAM-9211] - Restore the Process Application Getting Started Guide
  • [CAM-9222] - Document Hierarchical Historic Process Instance components
  • [CAM-9223] - Complex Gateway is shown up on BPMN implementation reference
  • [CAM-9233] - Update Instance modification page of Webapps docs
  • [CAM-9235] - Update Tasklist docs related to "Start a Process"
  • [CAM-9266] - Add jdbcType Integer to HistoryBatch "days" bind-value
  • [CAM-9268] - Increase Timeout value for SingleConsumerConditionTest

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