Bug Report
- [CAM-3812] - authorization checks need to be case-insensative
- [CAM-8737] - Joining inclusive gateway does not wait for all incoming flows
- [CAM-9213] - Pending long polling request is not notified when lock times out
- [CAM-9214] - Cannot override logging of exceptions during Job Execution
- [CAM-9220] - Throwing end event in a event subprocess does not end the event subprocess as expected
- [CAM-9245] - Output Variable Mapping is not applied when the event is thrown from a concurrent execution
- [CAM-9249] - Under circumstances history for Variables is on process start not created
- [CAM-9257] - Cockpit: User operation log view breaks with non-case-sensitive login
- [CAM-9281] - Heatmap for embedded subprocesses is too hot
- [CAM-9300] - Inconsistent Behavior in BpmnParse for IntermediateThrowEvent
- [CAM-9303] - TimerStartEvents of EventSubprocesses can't evaluate variable timer expressions
- [CAM-9316] - Only Camunda admin users must be able to see license info and change it
- [CAM-9339] - Job retry time cycle is not applied on async start events
- [CAM-9357] - Stage gets auto completed when first child task completes
- [CAM-9358] - User self-deletion doesn't interupt access to Webapps
- [CAM-9359] - Job retry time cycle is not applied on async intermediate catch events
- [CAM-9360] - Job retry time cycle is not applied on async gateways
- [CAM-9361] - Job retry time cycle is not applied on async end events
Feature Request
- [CAM-9060] - History Cleanup and Process Hierarchy
- [CAM-9125] - Add german welcome app translations
- [CAM-9136] - In JBoss/Wildfly/EAP I can provide a process engine plugin without modifying the module.xml
- [CAM-9142] - In Cockpit, I can see which user submitted a batch operation
- [CAM-9206] - Support for latest Java Version
- [CAM-9287] - Engine supports latest Java Version
- [CAM-9288] - Engine spring supports latest Java Version
- [CAM-9289] - REST API supports latest Java Version
- [CAM-9290] - SPIN supports latest Java Version
- [CAM-9291] - Engine connect plugin supports latest Java Version
- [CAM-9292] - Commons supports latest Java Version
- [CAM-9302] - As a developer, I can access the Process Engine from delegation code
- [CAM-9310] - Spring boot starter supports up to Java Version 10
- [CAM-9322] - Byte array table contains type and creation date information
- [CAM-9323] - Binary values of runtime variables contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9324] - Binary values of historic variables contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9325] - Binary values of historic details contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9326] - Binary values of historic attachment contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9327] - Binary values of historic job stack trace contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9328] - Binary values of historic external task stacktraces contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9331] - Binary values of runtime external task stacktrace contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9332] - Binary values of runtime job stack trace contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9333] - Binary values of deployment resources contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9336] - Binary values of runtime batch contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9341] - Binary values of user pictures contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9342] - Binary values of Historic decision input contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9343] - Binary values of Historic decision output contain type and creation data
- [CAM-9346] - I can use history partitioning without facing optimistic locking exceptions
- [CAM-9172] - Change the order of released version in enterprise download (camunda-docs)
- [CAM-9207] - Cleanup Java6 related profiles, distributions, etc.
- [CAM-9273] - Cleanable Historic Reports provide correct number of removable instances
- [CAM-9293] - Document platform supports latest Java Version
- [CAM-9295] - Update Rest API Jackson Dependency to >= 2.9.5
- [CAM-9299] - Sideprojects are built with jdk 7
- [CAM-9307] - Set Locale for tests to en_US
- [CAM-9314] - Test distributions manually with JDK 11
- [CAM-9320] - Update SPIN Jackson Dependency to 2.9.6
- [CAM-9321] - Update/document supported environments in context of JDK compatibility
- [CAM-9340] - Remove WebSphere 8.0 profile from integration tests -ee
- [CAM-9347] - Remove unsupported Java versions from supported environments
- [CAM-9356] - There exists a security notice for Whitelist Patterns and CSRF
- [CAM-9366] - Document implementation limitation of parallel gateway
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