Bug Report
- [CAM-5164] - NPE while deploy a process when history level is AUTO
- [CAM-8802] - Batch operation forgets filter criteria by jumping back to confirmation screen
- [CAM-9114] - Or query doen't work correctly when another table needs to be joined
- [CAM-10122] - Error when deleting deployment with running instances and history disabled
- [CAM-10212] - Can't remove long saved filter queries
- [CAM-10259] - Engine resolves nested JUEL properties from variable context
- [CAM-10340] - In Cockpit, on the deployment page, dmn loading spinner never ends
- [CAM-10342] - SDK-JS can't be used as a node dependency
- [CAM-10343] - Process engine exception when querying historic details with processInstanceId and executionId
- [CAM-10352] - In cockpit, recalculate user operation log is not displayed correctly
- [CAM-10367] - Save Filter button not disabled in Cockpits process instance search
- [CAM-10422] - Variable in inspect dialog is not updated after edit
- [CAM-10428] - SchemaLogQueryTest fail due to minor version update
- [CAM-10429] - Moment does not use correct locale
- [CAM-10435] - Correct the documentation on date inputs in embedded forms
- [CAM-10440] - TaskServiceTest fails due to missing HistoryLevel check
- [CAM-10441] - Jenkins Job Engine-api-compatibility is failing
- [CAM-10456] - Fix Docs Smoke Tests for latest 7.11 version
- [CAM-10495] - Task Fetching Backoff in Tasklist leads to unexpeced behaviour
Feature Request
- [CAM-3862] - Expose followupdate setter in DelegateTask
- [CAM-10229] - Introduce backoff to task fetching if task execution is slow
- [CAM-10278] - In BPM-examples, add rest controller for starting process
- [CAM-10309] - I can use processDefinitionKeyIn() and processDefinitionKeyNotIn() in process instance query (history / runtime)
- [CAM-10385] - make exception include the name of the variable if FormFieldHandler.createFormField fails
- [CAM-10396] - Ability to inspect Bpmn Element Documentation in Cockpit
- [CAM-10400] - View Failed Job Stacktrace embedded in Cockpit
- [CAM-10416] - In Cockpit, I can use a datepicker on the set removal time batch operation view
- [CAM-10436] - [UX Improvement] I can scroll through the list of saved filters in search widget
- [CAM-9750] - Update license terms in all OS repos
- [CAM-9751] - Update license terms in all EE repos
- [CAM-9752] - Update license terms in all OS distros
- [CAM-9784] - In Webapps, proms are not handled for sdk-js requests
- [CAM-9923] - Spike: E2E testing frameworks
- [CAM-9938] - Log stacktrace of Optimistic Locking Exception during job execution only on level DEBUG
- [CAM-10167] - Spike: Try out webpack as build tool for frontend
- [CAM-10192] - Document limitations of joining inclusive gateway
- [CAM-10223] - For Webapps, add automated Code Styling
- [CAM-10310] - Update Platform versions after 7.11 release
- [CAM-10322] - PR: redirect develop live to 7.11 instead of SNAPSHOT
- [CAM-10330] - DMN Model API: Namespace compatibility test is not executed by surefire
- [CAM-10383] - SQL Upgrade scripts insert for schema version is documented
- [CAM-10390] - Create a Testcafe test and integrate it into the testing process
- [CAM-10412] - Optimize Authorization Resource Type
- [CAM-10413] - I can use Optimize permissions in Admin
- [CAM-10414] - Remove transpilation Tasks for BPMN-js dependency
- [CAM-10451] - Configure and test session cookie security config for enterprise containers
- [CAM-10452] - Remove Cycle from docs pages
- [CAM-10464] - In Cockpit, relative dates are not present in translation file
- [CAM-10467] - Add integration test for CSRF Prevention
- [CAM-10468] - Test release job on master broken in webapp build step
- [CAM-10471] - Fix typo in BPMN Parser warning
- [CAM-10473] - Adjust license header of external code in platform
- [CAM-10480] - Platform ee node_modules folder should be excluded in license check
- [CAM-10487] - Release camunda-bpm-custom-batch 1.4.0
- [CAM-10489] - In Webapps, refactor places where XMLHttpRequest calls are used
- [CAM-10498] - CSRF cookie security flags have aligned naming semantics
- [CAM-10500] - In the migration guide I can read documentation about the promoted deployment descriptor version
- [CAM-10501] - Improve CSRF cookie security unit tests
- [CAM-10505] - Add missing restriction for event based gateway
- [CAM-10511] - In Spring Boot, correct documentation about CSRF configuration
- [CAM-10534] - Remove 7.3 and 7.2 from enterprise download page
- [CAM-10118] - Update license terms in external task client js
- [CAM-10119] - Add license headers to all javascript files
- [CAM-10125] - Update license terms in get-started repos
- [CAM-10375] - License header is added to javascript files in examples
- [CAM-10376] - Add license headers to all javascript files in ee repos
- [CAM-10389] - Add commercial license header in release-parent
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