The default behavior in the engine is that whenever a job fails, the retry of the failing job is decremented. When the job retry is set to 0, then a new incident is created. The decrement of the job retry and creation of the incident happens in a transaction listener which is registered on the transaction state ROLLED_BACK.
If the creation of the incident fails, the transaction is also rolled back and the job retry property stays by 1. This could lead to a kind of a loop, so that the execution of job fails and the job retries cannot be decremented in a separate transaction because of the failing incident creation.
This can happen for example here:
For some reason the executionId is not null, but the respective fetched execution is null, so that newIncident.setExecution(execution) will fail with a NullPointerException.
- make the creation of an incident null safe
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Creation of incidents is not null safe
The default behavior in the engine is that whenever a job fails, the retry of the failing job is decremented. When the job retry is set to 0, then a new incident is created. The decrement of the job retry and creation of the incident happens in a transaction listener which is registered on the transaction state ROLLED_BACK.
If the creation of the incident fails, the transaction is also rolled back and the job retry property stays by 1. This could lead to a kind of a loop, so that the execution of job fails and the job retries cannot be decremented in a separate transaction because of the failing incident creation.
This can happen for example here:
For some reason the executionId is not null, but the respective fetched execution is null, so that newIncident.setExecution(execution) will fail with a NullPointerException.
- make the creation of an incident null safe
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is related to
CAM-7576 A failed job is not unlocked when the FailedJobListener throws an exception
- Closed