- CAM-2099Cannot delete pool
- CAM-7473Embedded Forms - Text Area clears default value
- CAM-2892Calling subsequent message catch events fails
- CAM-12127Release camunda-bpm-custom-batch 1.5.0
- CAM-1387The class org.camunda.bpm.engine.rest.dto.task.GroupInfoDto requires a zero argument constructor or a specified factory method.
- CAM-14289Update screenshots for 7.17 / April Release - quickstart
- CAM-10365No OptimisticLockingException is thrown when execution tree was compacted but old reference to parent is still cached
- CAM-13653Camunda OpenAPI docs warn users of the custom date format
- CAM-8281I cannot delete non-yet-persistent identity links
- CAM-7820Badge for open incidents in history view
- CAM-14502Update event trigger for message catch events by default
- CAM-14894Support for PostgreSQL 15
- CAM-14895Support for Amazon Aurora Postgres 13.x
- CAM-14301Provide Camunda Platform Docker artifacts for arm64 architectures/M1 Apple machines
- CAM-14601I can change a job's due date when I set the retries to > 0 again
- CAM-14893Support for Wildfly 27
- CAM-14891Remove supported environments with 7.19
- CAM-13527I can re-evaluate the configuration of timer with a cycle
- CAM-12233Configure socketTimeout in External Task Client
- CAM-14381Expose information of process instances impacted by a certain batch job
- CAM-14881Update Spring Boot to the latest patch level
- CAM-14863Remove Aurora PostgreSQL 10 as a supported environment
- CAM-14880Update Quarkus to the latest version
- CAM-14839Update the PostgreSQL driver in the Docker images and CI to >=42.4.1
- CAM-11814Update NOTICE files for 2024
- CAM-14798Update jquery-ui to the latest version
- CAM-14746Update GOT in the external task client js
- CAM-14928Update feel-scala to the latest version
- CAM-14830In Quarkus, default h2 datasource configuration breaks dev services feature
- CAM-11815Update NOTICE files for 2025
- CAM-14691LIKE search does not return results for LDAP Groups
- CAM-14926In Camunda Forms, variable of type String instead of Json created for multi-select types with static options
- CAM-14910Job priority range properties cannot be applied on shared engine
- CAM-14812Bump multiple dependencies in JS external task client
- CAM-11813Update NOTICE files for 2023
- CAM-14590In Cockpit EE, update frontend dependency chart-js to a version >= 2.9.4
- CAM-14882Update bootstrap in the webapps
- CAM-14931Set removal time batch operation useless when configuring history level to none
- CAM-14911Improve database management
- CAM-14899Clarify that Removal time based strategy works for running process instances
- CAM-14921In Webapps, replace ibm plex font files with NPM package @ibm/plex
- CAM-14932Skip flaky testcafe e2e tests "Users Menu"
- CAM-14906Document Task comment configuration
- CAM-14917Add support Information to the docs
- CAM-14929org.camunda.bpm / complete do not allow to pass local variables
- CAM-14919Endpoint to easily access engine configuration
- CAM-14912Enterprise frontend build doesn't work on Windows
- CAM-14914Save button is visible trough Taglist drop down
- CAM-14909In Cockpit, on instance modification, instruction count broken
- CAM-14810Task Assignee "" (empty String)
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