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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-1106

I can use buttons to zoom bpmn diagrams


      Whenever the primary objective for the user is to interact with a diagram, there are three buttons to facilitate zooming of the diagram: Zoom in, Zoom out and Reset Zoom. Those buttons should work identical to the ones in Cockpit.

      This affects the following diagrams:

      • Report View/Edit View
      • Flow Node Filter
      • Branch Analysis
      • Target Value Edit Modal

      The following diagrams should show zoom buttons on hover:

      • Reports on Dashboards (View and Edit mode)

      The following diagrams should not show zoom buttons:

      • Process Definition Selection Diagram Preview

      Instead of checking each time if we actually show the buttons or not, we could think about to always include the buttons in the diagram, but only display them if we hover over the diagram. So they would be hidden most of the time and only be visiable if the user actually interacts with the diagram. We should talk with product design about this approach.

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              Unassigned Unassigned
              sebastian.stamm Sebastian Stamm
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