Only certain users shall be granted access to the event based process section of Optimize.
Similar to the superUser concept we thus need a list of userIds that are granted access, others should not be able to see the event based process nav item nor be able to use the event api.
- a list of users with access to the event based process section can be configured
- the `/eventBasedProcess/*` endpoints reject requests from any other users
- the `GET /eventBasedProcess/isEnabled`] response contains a new property to indicate whether event based processes are available to the user
- the property can only be true if the eventBasedProcess import is globally enabled
- reevaluate and merge the existing event based process related configuration that is spread among different paths
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is depended on by
OPT-3045 Hide/Show Event Based Process navigation item
- Done