Resolution: Done
L3 - Default
After the 2.7.0 release we had to disable the alert assertion with https://github.com/camunda/camunda-optimize/pull/1424 as it failed. The reason for it failing was that the released generator-2.7.0 artifact tries to create alerts for private reports which fails due to the fact that alerts are only allowed for reports that reside in a collection since 2.7.0. The generator however silently failed on creating the reports why this wasn't noticed before the release.
- We need to resolve this by creating a new 2.7.1-SNAPSHOT branch where we fix the generator for 2.7.0 to create an alert for a report that belongs to a collection, the generator artifact 2.7.1-SNAPSHOT then needs to be used in the upgrade-optimize-data module instead of the 2.7.0 release
- we should refactor the OptimizeClient class in upgrade-optimize-data/generator to fail hard on any unexpected status codes (!= 2XX) to prevent broken generators from getting released in future
- with the 2.7 generator fix in place we can reenable the PostMigrationTest#retrieveAlerts test