- given:
- I have created several reports (at least one has a definition with variables)
- I create a dashboard
- I add those reports to a dashboard
- I add an external report to a dashboard
- when:
- I edit the dashbaord and add a variable filter to it and click save
- then:
- I get the following error:
{ "errorCode" : "serverError", "errorMessage" : "An internal server error occurred.", "detailedMessage" : "Elasticsearch exception [type=search_phase_execution_exception, reason=all shards failed]", "reportDefinition" : null }
- I get the following error:
- expected:
- I can save the dashboard with any errors
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Can't add variable filter to dashboards with extneral reports
- given:
- I have created several reports (at least one has a definition with variables)
- I create a dashboard
- I add those reports to a dashboard
- I add an external report to a dashboard
- when:
- I edit the dashbaord and add a variable filter to it and click save
- then:
- I get the following error:
{ "errorCode" : "serverError", "errorMessage" : "An internal server error occurred.", "detailedMessage" : "Elasticsearch exception [type=search_phase_execution_exception, reason=all shards failed]", "reportDefinition" : null }
- I get the following error:
- expected:
- I can save the dashboard with any errors