• Not defined

      Notes about documenting potential issues:
      With the addition of event deletion, we have a new source of discrepancy in event counts in the event counts table. The documentation should include a note that explains this additional possible source of irregular results. It should be added as a third bullet point in https://docs.camunda.org/optimize/latest/user-guide/event-based-processes/#event-counts and should say something like "The counts for external events will still include ingested events that have since been deleted in the event inspection [link to event inspection documentation]"

      In addition, we should make it clear that when events are deleted in the inspector, the instance data will not be updated (things like instance state/start or end date/duration). For these to be corrected, a process would need to be republished.


      • Add documentation and screenshots for events inspection and deletion
      • The documentation covering discrepancy in event counts includes a note about event deletion
      • The documentation about event deletion explains that instance data is not updated on delete (apart from the event being removed)

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

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              joshua.windels Joshua Windels
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