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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5124

Select all process versions greater than X to exclude old data without manual updates



    • 2
    • Not defined


      What is the desired functionality that you are missing?

      As a User I would like to be able to select process versions in Process Report like "all versions higher than X" so that I don't have to manually update my reports every time I import new process definitions.

      Which problem are you going to solve with this functionality?

      Today I can only select version "latest" OR specific versions of the process.

      When creating Reports I therefore can either choose that my report always takes the latest version OR that I look into specific versions.

      Unfortunately, when I regularly deploy my process and have only MAJOR changes from let's say version 8-9, but not after version 9, I need to update all reports after every new deployment of my process. This is very time-consuming especially when I have multiple reports for this process.


      GIVEN a user has created a Report/Dashboard X of process Y
      AND they are selecting process versions
      THEN an option to select all versions greater than N is provided
      WHEN a user selects "all versions greater than N"
      THEN all versions greater than N are added to Report/Dashboard X

      GIVEN new version V of process Y is published
      THEN new version V is automatically added to Report/Dashboard X

      Out of scope

      Allow for a selection of "between" process versions.


        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app


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                joshua.windels Joshua Windels
                felix.mueller Felix Mueller
                Joshua Windels Joshua Windels
                0 Vote for this issue
                3 Start watching this issue


