Bug Report
Resolution: Fixed
L2 - Critical
Not defined
We recently added the enrichment of variables that might not have values into decision raw data tables. To get these variables, the decision definition must be available to extract the variables from. However, since the changes we have also seen a lot of intermittent failures in the DecisionInstanceIT class, although the actual failed test is not consistent. At a view, the decision definitions are explicitly imported, so the problem might be elsewhere in this class. We should investigate and fix the issue to stop the build failures we have been seeing.
Example failure output:
10:16:44 [ERROR] DecisionInstanceByTenantIT.reportAcrossTenants_tenantDefinition_emptyTenantListDefaultsToEmptyTenantList:62->testTenantFiltering:70->testTenantFiltering:89 Expected status code 200, actual status code: 500. 10:16:44 Response contains the following message: 10:16:44 { 10:16:44 "errorCode" : "serverError", 10:16:44 "errorMessage" : "An internal server error occurred.", 10:16:44 "detailedMessage" : "Could not extract input variables. Requested decision definition not found!", 10:16:44 "reportDefinition" : null 10:16:44 }
10:11:30.966 [main] INFO o.c.o.t.i.e.ElasticSearchIntegrationTestExtension - Cleaning elasticsearch...
10:11:31.025 [main] INFO o.c.o.t.i.e.ElasticSearchIntegrationTestExtension - All documents have been wiped out! Elasticsearch has successfully been cleaned!
10:11:31.025 [main] INFO o.c.o.test.engine.EnginePluginClient - Start cleaning engine
10:11:31.036 [main] INFO o.c.o.test.engine.EnginePluginClient - Finished cleaning engine
10:11:31.256 [main] INFO o.c.o.s.e.w.ElasticsearchWriterUtil - Progress of task (ID:U6C1gcOcROmJ5HpMBjm_1w:2327973) on 3 decision definitions: 0% (total: 0, updated: 0, created: 0, deleted: 0)
10:11:31.367 [main] INFO o.c.o.s.i.e.s.d.AbstractDefinitionResolverService - Definition with id [multiTenantProcess:1:122026] hasn't been imported yet. Trying to directly fetch the definition from the engine.
10:11:31.373 [main] INFO o.c.o.s.i.e.s.d.AbstractDefinitionResolverService - Definition with id [multiTenantProcess:1:122040] hasn't been imported yet. Trying to directly fetch the definition from the engine.
10:11:31.377 [main] INFO o.c.o.s.i.e.s.d.AbstractDefinitionResolverService - Definition with id [multiTenantProcess:1:122054] hasn't been imported yet. Trying to directly fetch the definition from the engine.
10:11:31.551 [qtp371932487-145] ERROR o.c.o.r.p.GenericExceptionMapper - Mapping generic REST error
org.camunda.optimize.service.exceptions.OptimizeRuntimeException: Could not extract input variables. Requested decision definition not found!
at org.camunda.optimize.service.es.reader.DecisionVariableReader.lambda$getInputVariableNames$0(DecisionVariableReader.java:81)
at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(Optional.java:290)
at org.camunda.optimize.service.es.reader.DecisionVariableReader.getInputVariableNames(DecisionVariableReader.java:81)
at org.camunda.optimize.service.es.report.command.modules.view.decision.DecisionViewRawData.getInputVariableEntries(DecisionViewRawData.java:149)
at org.camunda.optimize.service.es.report.command.modules.view.decision.DecisionViewRawData.retrieveResult(DecisionViewRawData.java:141)