For the bulk delete of entities, it is necessary first to check if there are conflicts encoutered when attempting the bulk delete operation. During this kick-off we agreed on developing an endpoint, which will check for conflicts encountered in the entities and will return a boolean value (*true* if there are coflicts, *false* if the are no conflicts)
The endpoint for checking the delete conflicts is:
POST /api/entities/delete-conflicts
and it accepts in the request body:
[ 'reports' : [ 'entityId1', 'entityId2', ..., 'collections' : [ 'entityId1', 'entityId2', ..., 'dashboards' : [ 'entityId1', 'entityId2', ..., ]
with entityType being any of the following:
- the endpoint has been developed
- addiniotal ITs have been added which verify the correct functionality of the endpoint
- the REST documentation has been updated accordingly