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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5303

Optimize import can miss data if there are more entities with the same timstamp than the maxPage value


      If the engine history contains more entities (activityInstances, variable updates etc.) with the exact same timestamp (same milliseconds) than the currently configured maxPage size for that particular entity (see *.maxPageSize properties https://docs.camunda.org/optimize/latest/technical-guide/setup/configuration/#engine-common-settings ). The Optimize import will miss some of these entities as the "same timestamp as last entity" step of the import will not catch more than the maxPageSize entities.

      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Make sure that more than the maxPageSize of a particular entity import entities exist in the cambpm history. (e.g. variable updates).
      2. run the Optimize import and let it finish
      3. compare the expected and actual counts of the particular entity

      Actual result :
      Optimize contains less entities than expected

      Expected result:
      All data is imported as expected, regardless of timestamp distribution

      Addressing the root cause will likely require adjustments to the Camunda BPM Optimize rest api.

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

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              sebastian.bathke Sebastian Bathke
              Andromachi Rozaki Andromachi Rozaki
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