When searching in an EntityList after selecting one or more entities, the "Select All" checkbox in the header might be incorrectly checked and not behave as expected
Scenario 1:
Steps to reproduce:
- Create two reports, named "a" and "b"
- In the EntityList, select report "a"
- Then, while "a" is selected, search for "b"
Actual Result:
- "Select All" checkbox in the EntityList header is checked, even though the entry "b" is unchecked
Expected Result:
- "Select All" checkbox is not checked
Scenario 2:
Steps to reproduce:
- Create three reports, named "a" and "bb" and "bc"
- In the EntityList, select report "a"
- Then, while "a" is selected, search for "b"
- Then, check "bb"
Actual Result 1:
- "Select All" checkbox in the EntityList header is checked, even though the entry "bc" is unchecked
Expected Result 1:
- "Select All" checkbox is not checked
Steps to reproduce, continued:
- check "bc"
Actual Result 2:
- "Select All" is not checked
- clicking the "Select All" checkbox reduces the number of items selected from 3 to 2
Expected Result 2:
- "Select All" checkbox is checked