Bug Report
Resolution: Done
L3 - Default
Not defined
Given the import of instance data fails due to hitting the nested document limit configured when the instances were created es.settings.index.nested_documents_limit (default 10k) a user cannot recover from that situation by increasing the limit as it is only effective for new indices.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Configure es.settings.index.nested_documents_limit to something very low ... like 1
2. Start Optimize and let it import data
3. Observe the following error containing instructions to consider changing the es.settings.index.nested_documents_limit config:
There were failures while performing bulk on identity link logs. If you are experiencing failures due to too many nested documents, try carefully increasing the configured nested object limit (es.settings.index.nested_documents_limit). See Optimize documentation for details. ..... [4]: index [optimize-process-instance-reviewinvoice_v8], type [_doc], id [3ca334b6-f536-11eb-b10e-0242ac130002], message [ElasticsearchException[Elasticsearch exception [type=mapper_parsing_exception, reason=The number of nested documents has exceeded the allowed limit of [1]. This limit can be set by changing the [index.mapping.nested_objects.limit] index level setting.]]]
4. Stop Optimize
5. Change the es.settings.index.nested_documents_limit config to e.g. 10000
6. Restart Optimize
Actual result :
7. The import is still stuck showing the same error message as the nested doc limit of existing instance indices is not changed.
Expected result:
7. The import should continue