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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5532

Compare data with different orders of magnitude for more readable multi-process reports


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    • 3 - Expected

      User Story:

      When I view a report, I want to change my Y axis scaling so I can detect trends in data of different scale on the same multi-process report

      What is the desired functionality that you are missing?

      The ability to view data on 2 processes with different order of magnitude of Y-values

      Which problem are you going to solve with this functionality?

      When viewing a combined report where the value of one report is 10x or 100x greater than another report, the second report becomes extremely hard to read

      Context: Given, When, Then

      Use Case: Comparing changes in the number of process instances side-by-side, where 1 process averages 10 PIs/day and another averages 500 PIs/day

      GIVEN I am viewing a chart with a count scale (e.g. bar, line)
      (duration is out of scope)
      THEN I have an option to change the Y-axis scale
      WHEN I change the Y-axis scale
      THEN I am able to view changes in widely disparate date (e.g. values of 1 and 100) 
      AND the change is saved with the next save operation

      Note: This introduces a new configuration field in the backend. The default should be linear.


        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

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              Unassigned Unassigned
              eric.lundberg Eric Lundberg
              Omran Abazeed Omran Abazeed
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