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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5576

Disambiguate identically named processes by tenant


      What is the desired functionality that you are missing?

      There is currently no feature to differentiate between processes with the same name, but different process ids. The customer would like to be able to differentiate them based on tenant the way it is shown in Datasource configuration.

      Which problem are you going to solve with this functionality?

      In the customer's use case, processes are created on tenants in Camunda Platform, and reviewed in a single Optimize. These processes could have the same name. Without the feature, the customer would need to restrict process names, and they do not have control over the process names. This is a scaling issue that hits more frequently with more tenants.

      Context: Given, When, Then

      GIVEN I am selecting a process to create a Report or Dashboard
      AND two Processes exist with the same name
      THEN information is available to disambiguate between the two Processes
      AND I can access the information within 3 seconds of interaction


      These are SEPARATE processes in SEPARATE tenants with the SAME name.
      A quick win could be to always show the tenant picker, and the default name be displayed there

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

          1. image-2021-09-09-10-28-26-204.png
            226 kB
            Eric Lundberg
          2. image-2021-09-09-10-29-20-985.png
            268 kB
            Eric Lundberg

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              eric.lundberg Eric Lundberg
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