What is the desired functionality that you are missing?
I want to be able to create a bottleneck detection dashboard with a single click
Which problem are you going to solve with this functionality?
New Optimize users don't know how to create effective reports and dashboards. As a result, Optimize tends to be under-utilized. This template provides the ability for users to create a dashboard for bottleneck analysis (a core workflow). It accompanies the related blog post (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xwDkeNNmniiZxVQvUrhg4O5FszF6McmqYiMJa6Ov9k4/edit#).
Context: Given, When, Then
GIVEN I am creating a new dashboard
THEN an option to create a User Task Bottleneck dashboard is provided
WHEN I create a User Task Bottleneck dashboard
THEN I can see reports for
- Where is my bottleneck? (view user task count, group by user task, filter to show flow nodes with an assignee of "unassigned", visualize as heatmap)
- How bad is my bottleneck? (view user task average duration for total, work, and idle, grouped by user task, visualize as heatmap)
- Who's contributing to my bottleneck? (view user task average duration, grouped by assignee, distribute by user task, filter flow nodes by assignee is not unassigned, visualize as stacked bar chart)
- Is the bottleneck improving? (view process instance average duration, group by end date auto, visualize as bar chart)
- Are user tasks becoming more efficient? (view user task work and idle duration, group by end date auto, filter to exclude ????)
- Is work smoothly delivered to the bottleneck? (TODO: Filter Process Instances by Flow Nodes running before the bottleneck) (view process instance count, filter by start flow node, visualize as number)
- How many tasks are waiting at my bottleneck? (To Do: Edit the filter to select the flow node AT the bottleneck) (view process instance count, filter by start flow node and assignee is unassigned, visualize as number)
- How productive are my workers? (view user task count, group by assignee, distribute by user task, filter by flow node state-completed, filter by user task end date-last month, visualize as stacked bar chart)
- How long does each user task take? (view user task duration (average and median), group by user tasks, filter by start date within the last month)