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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5620

Optimize is integrated with Identity for user search (adding users to collections)


      What is the desired functionality that you are missing?

      The ability to search for existing users with access to Optimize

      Which problem are you going to solve with this functionality?

      Larger customers often have strict need-to-know restrictions when managing users on a system. We have this capability in Camunda Platform, but not on Camunda Cloud Self Managed

      Context: Given, When, Then

      GIVEN I have a collection a collection
      AND is viewing the Users tab
      WHEN I try to add another user to my collection
      THEN a list of users is provided (see screenshot)

      WHEN I add a user from the list
      THEN the user is added to the collection with read/write access


      GH issue: https://github.com/camunda/issues/issues/349

      Dependent on identity issue: https://github.com/camunda-cloud/identity/issues/2278 

      feature to be hidden depending on https://github.com/camunda-cloud/identity/issues/2304 



        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              Unassigned Unassigned
              tobias.conz Tobias Conz
              Joshua Windels Joshua Windels
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