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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5658 Enable Incidents in CC Optimize
  3. OPT-5679

Import Zeebe incident data into Optimize Cloud


    • Not defined

      Incident data can be configured to be exported by Zeebe. Optimize needs to import the exported incident records and convert them to process instance data, making them usable in reports.

      There are multiple different types of incident that can exist, and the data from all types should be viewable in Optimize. From Slack:

      • job failed with no retries left -> send a fail command with 0 remaining retries in a job worker
      • expression failure -> create an input mapping on a task for a variable that doesn't exist
      • uncaught error event -> send a throw error command in a job worker without an error catch event


      • Incident data is imported from Zeebe into Optimize

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              Unassigned Unassigned
              joshua.windels Joshua Windels
              Joshua Windels Joshua Windels
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