Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
Not defined
During import, in additional to importing the raw object variable, we also want to flatten it into mutliple subvariables for each property. For example, the raw variable with the name "user" and the value "{"firstname": "Jane", "lastName": "Smith}" is flattened to two variables: "user.firstName" with value "Jane" and "user.lastNam" with value "Smith".
When the raw object variable is updated, this update should also overwrite the respective flattened variables.
The flattening should occur after any existing variable plugins have been applied. It should also occur when ingesting external variables via API.
Lists: in this ticket, we also add an extra "listsize" variable for lists. If a object variable contains a list, the "listSize" variable stores the size of said list. Flattening/importing of the actual list will come with another ticket.
- Upon import, object variables are flattened so that each json leaf maps to its own variable
- These flattened variables are updated whenever the parent object variable is updated
- For now, lists are translated into a "listsize" variable
- Flattening also occurs when ingesting external variables
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Flatten object variable upon import
Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
Not defined
During import, in additional to importing the raw object variable, we also want to flatten it into mutliple subvariables for each property. For example, the raw variable with the name "user" and the value "{"firstname": "Jane", "lastName": "Smith}" is flattened to two variables: "user.firstName" with value "Jane" and "user.lastNam" with value "Smith".
When the raw object variable is updated, this update should also overwrite the respective flattened variables.
The flattening should occur after any existing variable plugins have been applied. It should also occur when ingesting external variables via API.
Lists: in this ticket, we also add an extra "listsize" variable for lists. If a object variable contains a list, the "listSize" variable stores the size of said list. Flattening/importing of the actual list will come with another ticket.
- Upon import, object variables are flattened so that each json leaf maps to its own variable
- These flattened variables are updated whenever the parent object variable is updated
- For now, lists are translated into a "listsize" variable
- Flattening also occurs when ingesting external variables