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    • Not defined


      Complex variables may be or include lists. For example, the complex variable "users" may have the value "[

      {"firstname": "John", "lastName": "Smith"}


      {"firstname": "Jane", "lastName": "Smith"}

      ]". We need to investigate how much effort it would be to support the import and handling of list variables. These lists should be available to group and filter by. If it is feasible to support list variables, the above should be mapped to two "summary list" variables: "users.firstNames" with the values John, Jane and "users.lastNames" respectively.

      If list support is not feasible effort wise for this first iteration of the feature, we will instead import the lists into flattened variables with index notation, eg users.1.firstName has the value "john" etc. 

      Revised Scope:

      Import lists of primitives and add listsize variable for both primitive and object lists. "Summary lists" (eg users.firstNames) will be implemented in a future iteration. 


      • Import lists of primitives
      • Add listsize variable for list properties and list variables
      • Skip import of lists of objects
      • This is also supported in external variable ingestion
      • Reports and CSV export can handle list variables

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app


              • Not defined


                Complex variables may be or include lists. For example, the complex variable "users" may have the value "[

                {"firstname": "John", "lastName": "Smith"}


                {"firstname": "Jane", "lastName": "Smith"}

                ]". We need to investigate how much effort it would be to support the import and handling of list variables. These lists should be available to group and filter by. If it is feasible to support list variables, the above should be mapped to two "summary list" variables: "users.firstNames" with the values John, Jane and "users.lastNames" respectively.

                If list support is not feasible effort wise for this first iteration of the feature, we will instead import the lists into flattened variables with index notation, eg users.1.firstName has the value "john" etc. 

                Revised Scope:

                Import lists of primitives and add listsize variable for both primitive and object lists. "Summary lists" (eg users.firstNames) will be implemented in a future iteration. 


                • Import lists of primitives
                • Add listsize variable for list properties and list variables
                • Skip import of lists of objects
                • This is also supported in external variable ingestion
                • Reports and CSV export can handle list variables

                  This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        helene.waechtler Helene Waechtler
                        0 Vote for this issue
                        1 Start watching this issue


                              Unassigned Unassigned
                              helene.waechtler Helene Waechtler
                              0 Vote for this issue
                              1 Start watching this issue
