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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5785

Report export/import between different Optimize versions


      Please describe the missing/desired functionality:

      Import of reports into newer versions of camunda optimize should be possible. E.g. an export from 3.5 should be importable to 3.6.
      This is limited to 1 version. 3.5 exports should not be directly importable into 3.7

      What problem would the feature solve?

      When testing camunda optimize upgrades or migration it is crucial to have the ability to test existing reports from an older in the new target version of optimize.


      Consider including upgrade directions in the upgrade guide
      Consider an migration script that pulls all dashboards and reports into a new environment

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              tobias.conz Tobias Conz
              eric.lundberg Eric Lundberg
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              1 Start watching this issue
