In the UI, users should be able to select process instance reports with a view measure of percentage. Designs for such report building are here:
- PI Reports of type % can be created in the UI
- PI Reports of type % can be saved/updated in the UI
- When an instance or flow node date filter are applied, the total count is asterisked as per designs. Other filters do not affect the baseline so do not require an asterisk
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Reports can be created with % measure
In the UI, users should be able to select process instance reports with a view measure of percentage. Designs for such report building are here:
- PI Reports of type % can be created in the UI
- PI Reports of type % can be saved/updated in the UI
- When an instance or flow node date filter are applied, the total count is asterisked as per designs. Other filters do not affect the baseline so do not require an asterisk