Bug Report
Resolution: Unresolved
L3 - Default
Not defined
What is the problem ?
Heatmap report does not always automatically respect latest version of updated BPMN model:
When deploying an updated version of a definition, the heatmap BPMN for a "version:latest" report is not automatically updated in the report view mode. Instead, it is still showing v1 of the BPMN model instead of the latest v2 of the model. It is being updated correctly in the preview of the definition selection. If you change the version selection to sth else and then back to lastest, the bpmn is also displayed correctly in the report view mode.
- A test model was deployed
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a heatmap report on the deployed test process, configuring "Version latest" for the report definition source
- Alter the test process model in some way, eg adding a flownode, and deploy it as version 2 of this same process
- Wait until Optimize has imported the new data
- Refresh the heatmap report
Actual result:
The heatmap in the report still displays the BPMN of version 1 of the process instead of the updated version 2, despite the report being configured to analyse the "latest" version.
If the user edits the version selection, eg manually selecting a specific version, and then swtiches back to "latest", the heatmap is updated correctly.
Expected result:
The heatmap in a "version: latest" report should always automatically update to the latest BPMN of the respective process.