Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
Not defined
Problem Definition
User Story
As a user
I want see platform notifications in Optimize
So that I'm up to date what is happing in the system.
- Slack Channel: prj-notification-panel - Camunda - 6 new items - Slack
- Epic: https://github.com/camunda/product-hub/issues/586
It might just be the case that we need to update the C3 library and this just works
Testing Notes:
- With FE Changes merged:
- Notifications are displayed in Optimize
- Stop using Optimize. After one hour refresh the page. The notifications should still be visible
- Notification links go to the correct place
Use Cases
PM Notes (Customer requests, context, assumptions)
This should be a quick win - please ask for help from the console team.
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- depends on
OPT-6828 Create endpoint to get data for C3 navigation
- Done