ZeebeMetricsIT had to be disabled because the actuator endpoint doesn't seem to get configured correctly in IT. The IT can run locally when annotating the class with @TestPropertySource(properties = {"management.server.port=8092"}), but with this annotation it then fails on ci with:
Caused by: org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Failed to start bean 'webServerStartStop'; nested exception is org.springframework.boot.web.server.PortInUseException: Port 8090 is already in use
when executing the beforeAll in the EmbeddedOptimizeExtension. We should find a solution that works both locally and on GHA. Note the metrics endpoints could be tested successfully when running Optimize in ccsm locally.
Note that this appears to have been broken by this commit:
- ZeebeMetricsIT can be run locally and on GHA/Jenkins