With OPT-6724 we mistakenly changed the htst max age config to a string instead of a number. Users for whom this caused a casting error implemented a workaround to define their config max age as a string. If possible we would like to allow users to set max age either as a string (of a number) or a number in their config so no further changes are needed on their end.
- max age config setting can be set as a string of a number or a number
- if max age is set as a string with non numeral characters (eg "text" instead of "123"), an error is logged accordingly
Testing Notes:
- Start Optimize with max age set to a number, Optimize should start as expected and no config errors should occur
- Start Optimize with max age set to a string of a number (eg "1"), Optimize should start as expected and no config errors should occur
- Start Optimize with max age set to a string of a non numeric content (eg "text"), Optimize should log an error that this field is misconfigured