- given:
- I'm current in the report builder
- I choose a process definition, "Raw Data" as view and "Table" as visualization
- The shown table contains a lot of rows that do not fit in one page
- when:
- I scroll down to see more rows
- then:
- I always see the header of the table
- the table should behave as the previous implementation, meaning:
- the column width is adjusted automatically
- if the table does not fit on the provided space, it should start to scroll
- it should still be possible to have links, input fields in the table (e.g. target value comparison modal)
- the header is clearly distinguishable from the body
- the table is correctly rendered in Chrome, Firefox and IE11
- Bonus: make column width adjustable
Styling was not adjusted on porpose and is the default react table look. I created ticket OPT-1139 for that.