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- CAM-12982
Revert changes for no-build label - CAM-12964
Prevent failing stages if JUnit test results are not found - CAM-12892
Extract EE update in CE PR - CAM-12877
Revise CRDB pipeline - CAM-12867
Extract database methods - CAM-12866
Extract maven profiles methods - CAM-12865
Extract error handling methods - CAM-12864
Provide publish method to nexus - CAM-12863
Provide method for archiveArtifacts/copyArtifacts - CAM-12862
Provide method for stash/unstash - CAM-12861
Extract runMaven logic to library - CAM-12855
Extract withLabels methods - CAM-12851
Agent methods are reused by the pipelines - CAM-12850
Provide method or global var for default branch - CAM-12830
Create trigger job method - CAM-12820
Refactor Jenkins pipeline helper methods - CAM-12757
Retry job on known failure - CAM-12756
Echo java version - CAM-12755
Publish test Junit test report - CAM-12754
Abort the build if it's stuck - CAM-12753
Email notification on failure
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