Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version 7.16.5 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-13897] - Camunda Forms: "Number" and "Select" can not save or submit empty fields with default value
  • [CAM-14092] - Query authorization check uses IN condition that performs poorly on MySQL
  • [CAM-14115] - Only join history when needed for process instance query.
  • [CAM-14272] - Unable to submit Camunda Form if the process instance contains an object variable with data > 4000 characters


  • [CAM-11812] - Update NOTICE files for 2022
  • [CAM-13979] - Remove Aurora Postgres 9.6 from 7.17, 7.16, 7.15 CI
  • [CAM-14220] - Update log4j to >= 2.17.1
  • [CAM-14271] - Update GSON library to >= 2.8.9
  • [CAM-14284] - Do not log LDAP system properties on Run startup

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