Bug Report
Resolution: Unresolved
L3 - Default
7.10.0, 7.11.0
What are the steps to reproduce your problem?
- Use a JavaScript script in the output parameter mapping of a HTTP connector that uses Spin (see attached CAM-10083-JavaScript.bpmn)
What is the problem?
- I receive an exception that org.camunda.spin.Spin.S cannot be found (see attached errorstack.txt)
What would be the expected behavior:
- Spin is used to parse the HTTP response
Hints (optional):
- This works on Camunda BPM <7.10.0 and >=7.8.6
- Could be related to the new WildFly subsystem in 7.10.0
- If "groovy" is used as "Script Format" instead of "javascript" it works (see attached CAM-10083-Groovy.bpmn)
- For the test setup I used a MockServer with the attached expectations.json for initialization
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is duplicated by
CAM-10775 Issues using spin in WildFly
- Closed