7.2 update scripts (engine_7.2_to_7.3.sql) introduce global grant authorizations for some resources:
-- add global grant authorizations for new authorization resources: -- DEPLOYMENT -- PROCESS_DEFINITION -- PROCESS_INSTANCE -- TASK -- with ALL permissions INSERT INTO ACT_RU_AUTHORIZATION (ID_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, RESOURCE_TYPE_, RESOURCE_ID_, PERMS_, REV_) VALUES ('global-grant-process-definition', 0, '*', 6, '*', 2147483647, 1), ('global-grant-task', 0, '*', 7, '*', 2147483647, 1), ('global-grant-process-instance', 0, '*', 8, '*', 2147483647, 1), ('global-grant-deployment', 0, '*', 9, '*', 2147483647, 1);
These entries interfere with newly introduced authorization tests.
(for example test that some operation fails due to missing Process Definition authorization, the operation succeeds now because every user is authorized with ALL permissions for PD.)
- delete these authorizations after 7.2 update in migration tests (create new sql script to do so)
- delete 7.2 authorization test
- https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform/blob/master/qa/test-db-instance-migration/test-migration/src/test/java/org/camunda/bpm/qa/upgrade/scenarios720/authorization/AuthorizationTest.java
- https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform/blob/master/qa/test-db-instance-migration/test-fixture-72/src/main/java/org/camunda/bpm/qa/upgrade/scenarios/authorization/AuthorizationScenario.java ?