Feature Request
Resolution: None
L3 - Default
Align the getting started experience of Camunda Spring Boot Starter to Non-Camunda Spring Boot
What does Non-Camunda Spring Boot do?
- If I create a Non-Camunda Spring Boot project, the getting started guide points out to add a parent to my pom.xml file [1]
- As a user I can easily select the Spring Boot version in the parent pom section at one central point
- This parent pom in turns has a parent which specifies sensible dependencies which could come along with my project in the dependency management section [2]
- The concept described above is not present for Camunda Spring Boot Starter dependencies
- For instance, if I want to pull in the REST API as well as the Webapp, I have to specify the version twice (e. g. 3.4.0-alpha1) for each dependency even if it makes no sense to specify different dependency versions
- Introduce a Camunda Spring Boot Starter parent pom (or BOM) that specifies a dependency management section
- The dependency management section should contain all artifacts that are sensible to use together with Camunda Spring Boot Starter
Compare BOM (Bill of Materials) and parent pom concept and choose the best.
[1] https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/getting-started-first-application.html#getting-started-first-application-pom
[2] https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-dependencies/2.1.6.RELEASE/spring-boot-dependencies-2.1.6.RELEASE.pom