What are the steps to reproduce your problem?
1. Open Admin console (http://localhost:8080/app/admin/default/#/)
2. Go to "Users" or "List of Users" page
3. Click on the "ID" to sort the list of users based on "ID"
4. Go to developer tools, open Network tab, and then block following request url.
Note: This is done in order to induce the error.
In related support case where in LDAP set up is used, this query responds with 500 error and exception message.
5. Refresh the browser
What is the problem?
Once <baseUrl>/user?firstResult=0&maxResults=50&sortBy=userId&sortOrder=desc api returns an error:
1. "Users" page keeps on loading
2. Table Header and List of users disappears from "Users" page
3. On browser refresh, table header and list of users are still not displayed.
4. Once end user navigates away from the Users page i.e. go to another tab and then comes back to "Users" page, still list of users is not displayed.
What would be the expected behavior:
1. In case of an error, "Users" page should not stuck in loading state
2. Table header and list of users should be displayed in the default order
3. Table header and list of users should be displayed once user navigates to another page and then comes back to Users page.
Hints (optional):
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is related to
CAM-12735 Admin - List of users disappear in Groups and Tenants page
- Closed