- given:
- I have a lot of definitions (processes as well as decisions) in the engine that were deployt on different times
- when:
- I request the (decision/process) definitions using the REST-API
- I sort them by their deployment time
- I add a query parameter to retrieve only those definitions where the deployment time is after or at (e.g. query parameter deployedAfter and deployedAT)
- then:
- I get only those (process/decision) definitions that were deployed after/at my specified point sorted by the deployment time
- such that:
- I (Optimize) is able to import only the latest definitions
- the process and decision definition rest GET/POST endpoint allows to retrieve the definitions:
- sorted by deployement time asc/desc
- deployedAfter and deployedAt a certain deployment time
I would like to have that feature backported down to 7.10.X.
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
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