we've experienced that the camunda-bpm-js render fails if a sequence flow doesn't have a condition. The engine on the other side just logs a warning and uses this flow as default flow.
Engine output:
org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.util.xml.Parse logWarnings
WARNUNG: Exclusive Gateway 'checkRoleNodeIds' has outgoing sequence flow 'SequenceFlow_15' without condition which is not the default flow. We assume it to be the default flow, but it is bad modeling practice, better set the default flow in your gateway.
JS renderer output/error
Fehler: uncaught exception: Sequence flow with id 'SequenceFlow_15' has no conditions but it is not configured to be the default flow.
Note: It would be cool if I can get all problems (warnings) in org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.parser.BpmnParse over a service to show my users such bad practices on deployment time.