// When
Note: the linked support case was able to reproduce this behavior on a different way, but this is the only way I could replicate it consistently
1. open a Process Definition with Instances running and waiting at 2 different activities
2. in the modify tab, Pull one running instances badge onto the other blue badge and release the mouse
--> The Badge is not dropped, but still under the cursor. A left-click can fix it
3. try to drag the diagram
--> The badge resets to it's original task but the mouse is still in "drag-and-drop" mode. The only way to fix diagram interaction is a reload
// Expected
When I release my mouse, the drag and drop operation is finished
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is related to
CAM-13334 In Cockpit Modification, Diagram interaction breaks when I click (but not drag) a badge
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