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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-12425

browser-forms-angular example fails with 7.12



    • Bug Report
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • L3 - Default
    • None
    • 7.12.0
    • None
    • Linux ubuntu 5.3.0-29-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 17 17:27:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


      The browser-forms-angular example on GitHub does not work as described. As per the README.md, I followed these steps:

      1. Cloned the repo to my Camunda development machine
      2. Copied the browser-forms-angular folder to my tomcat webapps folder
      3. Restarted tomcat
      4. Open localhost:8080/browser-forms-angular

      The page loaded, showing all open tasks in the left column. So far, so good. However, nothing was ever populated in the right column: Clicking on any task produced no results. However, inspection using the JS console showed there were two errors at play, plus an additional problem:

      1. There were CORS violations attempting to load task information: Clicking on any task produced a CORS violation. I worked around this by running chrome with "--disable-web-security --user-data-dir=./unsafe" - the better way to do this should be documented in the README.md, e.g., by placing an appropriate filter in an appropriate web.xml
      2. In scripts.jstaskFormInfo.contextPath is never populated: it is returned as null, so the substitution on line 87 is never performed - this leads to the code attempting to open embedded:app:forms/myForm.html as a URL, resulting in UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

      The third problem is that scripts.js does not contain a scheme for handling embedded:deployment:myForm.html, so this code cannot be used with forms deployed via the REST API (which is our greatest interest).


        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app


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                yana.vasileva Yana Vasileva
                PeterWhittaker Peter Whittaker
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