User Story (Required on creation):
When reviewing process instances in Cockpit's history view, I want executed sequence flows highlighted so that I can understand the execution path of the process instance fast.
Functional Requirements (Required before implementation):
- Sequence flows that have been executed are marked in the process diagram (optional: with a badge that indicates how often they have been executed)
Technical Requirements (Required before implementation):
- The information which sequence flows have been executed is stored in history
- This is done with minimal overhead, e.g. having one extra history row per executed sequence flow would inflate the size of history databases significantly.
Limitations of Scope (Optional):
- The history view on the process definition page does not display sequence flows (assuming that this become useless quickly as soon as all flows have been taken at least once)
Hints (Optional):
- An idea to keep the additionally stored history data minimal could be to store the sequene flow that was executed to enter an activity along as an attribute of the corresponding history activity instance (needs clarification with how the result will look like in case of async continuations)