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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-12963

In can use code formatting settings for IntelliJ IDEA


      User Story (Required on creation):

      As a code contributor, I can find code formatting settings in the camunda-bpm-platform repository for IntelliJ Idea, which allows me to provide properly formatted code contributions.

      Functional Requirements (Required before implementation):

      There is a file in the camunda-bpm-platform repository, which can be consumed by IntelliJ Idea, which helps a contributor formatting the code contribution according to our coding style guide (similarly to what we already have for Eclipse )

      Technical Requirements (Required before implementation):

      Possible formats/definitions:

      • Eclipse (IntelliJ Idea can consume this)
      • IntelliJ Idea
      • IDE independent .editorconfig file
      • All of the beforementioned

      Limitations of Scope (Optional):

      The scope possibilities are sorted according to complexity in ascending order:

      1. Import the existing Eclipse formatting settings to IntelliJ Idea, export them in the IntelliJ Idea specific format and check it into the repository
      2. Import the existing Eclipse formatting settings to IntelliJ Idea, export them as .editorconfig and check it into the repository
      3. Provide a basic .editorconfig file that configures editor independent settings according to our coding style guide
      4. Beforementioned + IntelliJ Idea specific configurations based on our coding style guide

      Original Description provided by the reporter


      Code Formatting settings not available


      The available code formatting settings are not in IntelliJ IDEA format.

      Only the Eclipse Code Formatter plugin to format the code is available.

      Is this a bug, a missing part, or is it as expected.

      Do please let me know if I should report this in the forum and not here.

      Best regards

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              tassilo.weidner Tassilo Weidner
              camunda_support_jit JIT Support Camunda
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