Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
L3 - Default
User Story (Required on creation):
Users can configure device pools (referenced by their names) in the application yml. When starting a bot in Automation Anywhere the device pool is included in the request.
Acceptance Criteria
- Device pools can be configured
- Device pool ids are included in the deploy request
Technical Requirements (Required before implementation):
- Deploy bots
Find device pool id
- https://docs.automationanywhere.com/bundle/enterprise-v2019/page/enterprise-cloud/topics/control-room/control-room-api/cloud-list-device-pool.html
- https://community2.cloud-2.automationanywhere.digital/swagger/ui/?url=/swagger/api/v2/device-pools-api-supported.yaml#/DevicePool/post_pools_list
Deploy bot
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Support deployment of bots for device pools in Automation Anywhere
Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
L3 - Default
User Story (Required on creation):
Users can configure device pools (referenced by their names) in the application yml. When starting a bot in Automation Anywhere the device pool is included in the request.
Acceptance Criteria
- Device pools can be configured
- Device pool ids are included in the deploy request
Technical Requirements (Required before implementation):
- Deploy bots
Find device pool id
- https://docs.automationanywhere.com/bundle/enterprise-v2019/page/enterprise-cloud/topics/control-room/control-room-api/cloud-list-device-pool.html
- https://community2.cloud-2.automationanywhere.digital/swagger/ui/?url=/swagger/api/v2/device-pools-api-supported.yaml#/DevicePool/post_pools_list
Deploy bot