Acceptance Criteria (Required on creation):
- At, there is a notice with the following content
Wildfly Application Server is provided as part of this archive as a convenience. For a copy of the source code, the full set of attribution notices, and other relevant information please see We will also provide you with a copy of the source code if you [contact our Open-Source Compliance Team]( at any time within three years of you downloading this archive (for which we may charge a nominal sum). Wildfly Application Server is copyright © JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source, 2010, Red Hat Middleware LLC [..and contributors].
Hints (Optional):
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Inform users that Wildfly is LGPL
Acceptance Criteria (Required on creation):
- At, there is a notice with the following content
Wildfly Application Server is provided as part of this archive as a convenience. For a copy of the source code, the full set of attribution notices, and other relevant information please see We will also provide you with a copy of the source code if you [contact our Open-Source Compliance Team]( at any time within three years of you downloading this archive (for which we may charge a nominal sum). Wildfly Application Server is copyright © JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source, 2010, Red Hat Middleware LLC [..and contributors].