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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-11410 Camunda Engine Quarkus Extension
  3. CAM-13752

CDI: Investigate if interceptors should be enabled by default



    • Sub-task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • L3 - Default
    • 7.16.0, 7.16.0-alpha5
    • None
    • quarkus
    • None



      • The engine-cdi module has two interceptors:
        • org.camunda.bpm.engine.cdi.impl.annotation.StartProcessInterceptor
        • org.camunda.bpm.engine.cdi.impl.annotation.CompleteTaskInterceptor
      • In Weld-based CDI, interceptors can be enabled via the META-INF/beans.xml file.
        • By default, we enable our interceptors in this file.
      • In Quarkus, the interceptors are automatically discovered and registered.

      Solution Ideas

      1. Interceptors are enabled by default; the user can exclude them via the property quarkus.arc.exclude-types in the application.properties file
        • Pros
          • engine-cdi behavior works out of the box
        • Cons
          • The annotation @Priority is not present on the interceptors, which is logged on the log level INFO => leads to confusion for the users.
            • We cannot directly add the @Priority annotation to the interceptors of the engine-cdi module since the annotation does not exist in CDI 1.0
              • We could extend the interceptors in the Quarkus extension and assign the @Priority annotation to get rid of the logs => this is not a very robust solution when we add more interceptors in the future
      2. Interceptors are excluded by default; the user can enable them by extending and annotating the interceptors in the Quarkus application.
        • Pros
          • Users have full control over exact annotations (e.g., priority, scope, etc.)
        • Cons
          • engine-cdi behavior does not work out of the box
          • Not robust since new interceptors we add in the future must be manually excluded in Quarkus
          • Higher documentation effort


      Choosing solution #1 since it is better to maintain and less documentation effort. We accept for now that users see a log that the @Priority annotation is missing. With CAM-13841 we should evaluate if we can move our camunda-engine-cdi module to a higher CDI version (at least 1.1) and add this annotation to the module to get rid of the warning.


        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app


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                tassilo.weidner Tassilo Weidner
                tassilo.weidner Tassilo Weidner
                Tassilo Weidner Tassilo Weidner
                Nikola Koevski Nikola Koevski
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