Resolution: Done
L3 - Default
Acceptance Criteria (Required on creation):
- Drop the jersey Maven profile
- Use Resteasy 2.x configuration for the wildfly-compatibility REST API Maven profile.
Hints (optional):
- Jersey 1.x is not used in any of the Camunda distros. Jersey 1.x is not compatible with JAX-RS 1.x. Due to the bump to Jackson 2.13.1 (which drops support for JAX-RS 1.x), we need to drop Jersey 1.x.
- We use the wildfly-compatibility Maven profile to test the compatibility of our REST API with the oldest Resteasy version used by the (oldest supported) Wildfly/JBoss version. Currently, that is 3.0.16.Final (JBoss EAP 7.0). It seems that Resteasy 3.0.x versions still support JAX-RS 1.x, but works with Jackson 2.13.1.
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is caused by
CAM-14379 Update Jackson to 2.13.1
- Closed