Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
User Story (Required on creation):
Using the Java BPMN Model API, I can pass a business key down to the a called process instance.
Functional Requirements (Required before implementation):
- Fluent API of the Java BPMN Model API is extended
- Javadocs exist
- Behavior is tested
Technical Requirements (Required before implementation):
Calling the fluent builder API of the Java BPM Model API as follows:
Bpmn.createProcess() .startEvent() .callActivity("call-activity") .camundaInBusinessKey("business-key") .endEvent() .done();
Leads to generating the following BPMN XML:
<bpmn:callActivity id="foo" name="Foo" calledElement="bar"> <bpmn:extensionElements> <camunda:in businessKey="#{execution.processBusinessKey}" /> </bpmn:extensionElements> </bpmn:callActivity>
Limitations of Scope (Optional):
Hints (optional):