Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
Acceptance Criteria (Required on creation):
- The old-engine stages succeed again for all databases
Hints (optional):
- The test suite runs the 7.16.0 unit tests against the 7.17 database schema. With 7.17.0, we updated h2 from 1.4 to 2.0. The 7.16 engine does not work with H2 2.0. During test execution, we must make sure to use h2 1.4.
- We have a similar problem with Mockito, the 7.16 test suite needs Mockito 1.9.5
- Note that all databases are affected, because some engine unit tests use hardcoded h2 data sources (e.g. https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform/blob/c2bb5abc720def3c5a9fa07c49f0a3688bbebd2c/engine/src/test/java/org/camunda/bpm/engine/test/api/cfg/DatabaseTableSchemaTest.java)
- Note that the h2 profile executes no tests at all on the 7.17 branch, because we explicitly do not support rolling updates due to database incompatibilities
Solution options
- Exclude all h2-hardcoded test from the 7.17 old engine tests (not good as a general solution on master, because it wouldn't be robust against refactoring)
- Override the h2 dependency so that version 1.4 is used