CAWEMO cloud
I am writing this ticket to you to request some support with CAWEMO.
Partner: JIT,
Description (Required on creation; please attach any relevant screenshots, stacktraces, log files, etc. to the ticket):
As a partner of camunda, we are in possession of a CAWEMO enterprise license. The license expires on
and we have access to the following components:
cawemo = true;
optimize = true;
camundaBPM = true;
Our cawemo organizations administrator account is cawemo@jit.at,
We are missing out on the features of the enterprise license in Cawemo. We cannot use the enterprise features anymore. We had this problem before, exactly a year ago, and it was solved on your side. The ticket that time was this: https://jira.camunda.com/browse/CAM-13598.
Could you please reactivate the enterprise features on our cawemo organization ?
Best regards